RS 3:17 Prescribed burning; intent and purpose; authorization; definitions
§17. Prescribed burning; intent and purpose; authorization; definitions
A. The application of prescribed burning is a land management tool that benefits the safety of the public, the environment, and the economy of Louisiana. Pursuant thereto, the legislature finds that:
(1) Prescribed burning reduces naturally produced on-site vegetative fuels within wild land areas. Reduction of the fuel load reduces the risk and severity of major catastrophic wildfire, thereby reducing the threat of loss of life and property, particularly in rural and urbanizing areas.
(2) Most of Louisiana's natural communities require periodic fire for maintenance of their ecological integrity. Prescribed burning is essential to the perpetuation, restoration, and management of many plant and animal communities.
(3) Forest land, agricultural land, range land, and coastal marshland constitute significant economic, biological, and aesthetic resources of statewide importance. Prescribed burning on forest land prepares sites for reforestation, suppresses undesirable competing vegetation, expedites nutrient cycling, and controls or eliminates certain forest pathogens. On range land, coastal marshland, agricultural, and forest land, prescribed burning improves the quality and quantity of herbaceous vegetation important for livestock production and wildlife habitat and aids in the harvest of sugarcane.
(4) Proper training in the use of prescribed burning is necessary to ensure maximum benefits and protection for the public.
(5) As Louisiana's population continues its expansion into rural areas, pressures from liability issues and nuisance complaints inhibit the use of prescribed burning.
B. The commissioner of agriculture and forestry shall adopt and promulgate voluntary rules and regulations, consistent with applicable state and federal law, and the general intent and purpose of this Section, to authorize and promote the continued use of prescribed burning for ecological, silvicultural, wildlife management, agricultural, and range management purposes.
C. The following terms as used in this Section shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Certified prescribed burn manager" means an individual who successfully completes the certification program of the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center or other approved program and is certified by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
(2) "Prescribed burning" means the controlled application of fire to naturally produced on-site vegetative fuels and sugarcane under specified environmental conditions, following appropriate precautionary measures, which causes the fire to be confined to a predetermined area to accomplish planned land management objectives, including the harvest of sugarcane.
D. Prescribed burning as authorized by the commissioner pursuant to this Section shall:
(1) Be conducted only under written authority according to the requirements of the commissioner.
(2) Be conducted only when at least one certified prescribed burn manager is present on site from ignition until the burn is completed and declared safe according to prescribed guidelines.
(3) Be considered a property right of the property owner if naturally occurring vegetative fuels are used and when conducted pursuant to the requirements of this Section.
E. No property owner, lessee, or any person or entity owning a property interest of any kind, or their agent or employee, conducting a prescribed burn pursuant to the requirements of this Section and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this Section shall be liable for damage, injury, or loss caused by fire, resulting smoke, or other consequence of the prescribed burn, unless negligence is proven.
Acts 1993, No. 589, §1.