RS 15:574.4.4 Parole; intensive parole supervision; eligibility

§574.4.4.  Parole; intensive parole supervision; eligibility

A.  Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S. 15:574.4(A)(1), a person, otherwise eligible for parole, convicted of a nonviolent first felony offense and committed to the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, or of a nonviolent second felony offense and committed to the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, may be eligible for intensive parole supervision upon successful completion of intensive incarceration.  In addition, any person convicted of a first or second offense for possession of amphetamine or methamphetamine or cocaine or oxycodone or methadone or of a first offense for distribution, dispensing, or possession with intent to produce, manufacture, distribute, or dispense amphetamine or methamphetamine or cocaine or oxycodone or methadone, in violation of R.S. 40:967(B)(1) or R.S. 40:967(B)(4)(b) when the amount of amphetamine or methamphetamine or cocaine or oxycodone or methadone involved was twenty-eight grams or less, may be eligible to participate in the intensive incarceration program. Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S. 40:967(B)(4)(b), a person otherwise eligible for participation in the intensive incarceration program may be eligible for intensive parole supervision upon successful completion of intensive incarceration.  The intensive incarceration and intensive parole supervision program shall be established and administered by the department.  The offender may be considered for participation in the program if all of the following conditions are met:

(1)  The offender is sentenced to be committed to the Department of Public Safety and Corrections to serve ten years or less.

(2)  The department, through the division of probation and parole within the office of adult services, recommends to the sentencing court that the offender is particularly likely to respond affirmatively to participation in the program.

(3)  The court at sentencing recommends that the offender be considered for participation in the program.

(4)  The secretary of the department, or his designee, finds, after an evaluation, that the offender is particularly likely to respond affirmatively to participation in the program.

(5)  The offender voluntarily enrolls in the program after having been advised by the department of the rules and regulations governing participation in the program.

(6)  The court sentences an offender in the drug division probation program pursuant to R.S. 13:5304.

B.  Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S. 15:574.4(A)(1), an offender who is otherwise eligible for intensive incarceration and intensive parole supervision, but who has not been recommended for participation in the intensive incarceration and intensive parole supervision program by the division of probation and parole or the sentencing judge, as provided for in Paragraphs (A)(2) and (3) of this Section, may additionally be placed in the intensive incarceration and intensive parole supervision program if all of the following conditions are met:

(1)  The staff at the adult reception and diagnostic center, after a thorough evaluation, determines that the offender is suitable and appropriate for participation.

(2)  The warden at the adult reception and diagnostic center concurs with the staff recommendation.

(3)  The warden of the facility where the offender would be placed concurs with the recommendation of the staff and warden of the adult reception and diagnostic center.

(4)  The offender meets other conditions of participation as set forth in Paragraphs (A)(1), (4), and (5) of this Section.

C.(1)  Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S. 15:574.4(A)(1), a person, otherwise eligible for parole, convicted of a first felony offense and committed to the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, or of a second felony offense and committed to the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, may be eligible for intensive parole supervision upon successful completion of intensive incarceration.  The intensive incarceration and intensive parole supervision program shall be established and administered by the department.

(2)  The court may sentence an offender directly to the program if the court commits the offender to the Department of Public Safety and Corrections to serve ten years or less.

D.  For purposes of this Section, a "first offender" shall not have been convicted previously of another felony as provided in R.S. 15:572(C) and shall not have been granted an automatic pardon as provided in R.S. 15:572(B).

E.  The duration of intensive incarceration shall not be less than one hundred eighty calendar days.

F.  The participating offender shall be evaluated by the program staff on a continual basis throughout the entire period of intensive incarceration.  The evaluation shall include the offender's performance while incarcerated, the likelihood of successful adjustment on parole, and other factors deemed relevant by the Board of Parole or the program staff.  The evaluation shall provide the basis for the recommendations by the department to the Board of Parole upon the offender's completion of intensive incarceration.  Violation of any institutional or program rules or regulations may subject the participant to removal from the program by the department.

G.(1)  If an offender is denied entry into the intensive incarceration program for physical or mental health reasons or for failure to meet the department's suitability criteria, the department shall notify the sentencing court, and based upon the court's order, shall either return the offender to court for resentencing in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure Article 881.1 or return the offender to a prison to serve the remainder of his sentence as provided by law.

(2)  If an offender enters the intensive incarceration program and is subsequently removed for physical or mental health reasons or for failure to meet the department's suitability criteria, the department shall notify the sentencing court and, based upon the court's order, shall either return the offender to court for resentencing in accordance with the provisions of Code of Criminal Procedure Article 881.1 or return the offender to a prison to serve the remainder of his sentence as provided by law.  If an offender enters the intensive incarceration program and is removed for violating any institutional or program rules or regulations, the offender shall be assigned to the general population to serve the remainder of his sentence as provided by law.

H.  When an offender completes intensive incarceration, the Board of Parole shall review the case of the offender and recommend either that the offender be released on intensive parole supervision or that the offender serve the remainder of his sentence as provided by law.  When the offender is released to intensive parole supervision by the board, the board shall require the offender to comply with the following conditions of intensive parole supervision in addition to any other conditions of parole ordered by the board:

(1)  Be subject to multiple monthly visits with his supervising officers without prior notice.

(2)  Abide by any curfew set by his supervising officers.

(3)  Perform at least one hundred hours of unpaid community service work during the period of intensive parole supervision and, if unemployed, perform additional hours as instructed by his supervising officers.

(4)  Refrain from using or possessing any controlled dangerous substance or alcoholic beverage and submit, at his own expense, to screening, evaluation, and treatment for controlled dangerous substance or alcohol abuse as directed by his supervising officers.

(5)  Pay any costs as ordered by the sentencing court or Board of Parole.

I.  In cases in which the Board of Parole determines that there is victim opposition to parole, that the offender has a questionable disciplinary record, or that other extraordinary circumstances exist, the board may conduct a hearing to consider intensive parole supervision for the offender having successfully completed intensive incarceration, which shall be public and conducted in the same manner as parole hearings as otherwise provided in this Part.  Otherwise the decision shall be made upon the approval or disapproval of a majority of the members of the board without necessity of a hearing, after a review of all available information on the offender, including the pre-parole report prepared by the department.

J.  In cases in which the court sentences a defendant in the drug division probation program for a technical violation of probation, the offender shall return to active supervised probation with the drug division probation program for a period as ordered by the court, subject to any additional conditions imposed by the court.

K.  Notwithstanding the provisions of R.S. 15:574.4(A)(1), a person otherwise eligible for parole who is convicted of a nonviolent first felony offense may be committed to the Department of Public Safety and Corrections pursuant to the provisions of Code of Criminal Procedure Article 895(B)(3) to serve a sentence of not more than six months without diminution of sentence in the intensive incarceration program pursuant to the provisions of this Section.

Acts 2008, No. 266, §2; Acts 2008, No. 337, §1; Acts 2009, No. 168, §2; Acts 2009, No. 182, §2; Acts 2010, No. 241, §2.