RS 11:3136 Board of trustees; rules and regulations; meetings

§3136.  Board of trustees; rules and regulations; meetings

A.  The board of trustees shall have exclusive control and management of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund and shall make all necessary and pertinent rules and regulations for the proper administration of said Fund; shall hear and decide on all applications for benefits under this Fund, and its decisions on such applications shall not be subject to review or reversal except by said board or upon filing of suit in any court of competent jurisdiction.  All rules and regulations adopted by the board of trustees shall, within thirty days after their adoption, be posted on the bulletin board provided for that purpose in each of the fire houses located within the city limits of the consolidated fire districts of Bastrop, Louisiana.

B.  The board shall meet quarterly and a special meeting shall be called on forty-eight hours notice by the president at the request of any three members.  Three members shall constitute a quorum.  

Designated from Acts 1972, No. 23, §5 by Acts 1991, No. 74, §3, eff. June 25, 1991.