218A.110 Schedule IV controlled substances.

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218A.110 Schedule IV controlled substances. Unless otherwise rescheduled by regulation of the Cabinet for Health and Family <br>Services, the controlled substances listed in this section are included in Schedule IV: <br>(1) Any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of the following substances having a potential for abuse associated with a depressant <br>effect on the central nervous system: chloral betaine; chloral hydrate; ethchlorvynol; <br>ethinamate; meprobamate; paraldehyde; petrichloral. (2) The Cabinet for Health and Family Services may except by regulation any compound, mixture, or preparation containing any depressant substance listed in <br>subsection (1) from the application of all or any part of this chapter if the <br>compound, mixture, or preparation contains one (1) or more active medicinal <br>ingredients not having a depressant effect on the central nervous system, and if the <br>admixtures are included therein in combinations, quantity, proportion, or <br>concentration that vitiate the potential for abuse of the substances which have a <br>depressant effect on the central nervous system. Effective: June 20, 2005 <br>History: Amended 2005 Ky. Acts ch. 99, sec. 536, effective June 20, 2005. -- Amended 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 426, sec. 479, effective July 15, 1998. -- Amended 1974 Ky. Acts <br>ch. 74, Art VI, sec. 107(3). -- Created 1972 Ky. Acts ch. 226, sec. 12.