211.9067 Schedule of fees.

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Page 1 of 1 211.9067 Schedule of fees. The department shall promulgate administrative regulations pursuant to KRS Chapter <br>13A to establish a schedule of fees for permits required pursuant to KRS 211.9063, and <br>for the functions performed by the department for the certification and accreditation <br>programs established pursuant to KRS 211.9063, 211.9065, and 211.9069. The fees shall <br>be sufficient to fully cover the department's cost of the service performed but shall not <br>exceed the cost of the service performed. In determining the amount of the permit fee <br>required for lead-abatement services performed by employees of a local government, the <br>department shall take into consideration and adjust the fee to reflect the number of <br>abatement jobs annually performed by that local government. Fees payable to the <br>department under the provisions of this section shall be paid into the State Treasury and <br>credited to a trust and agency account to be used by the department in carrying out the <br>provisions of KRS 211.9061 to 211.9079 and KRS 211.990. No part of this fund shall <br>revert to the general fund of the Commonwealth. Effective: July 15, 1996 <br>History: Created 1996 Ky. Acts ch. 168, sec. 4, effective July 15, 1996.