171.786 Meaning of military heritage designation -- Administrative regulations.

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Page 1 of 1 171.786 Meaning of military heritage designation -- Administrative regulations. (1) Designation of an historic geographic site as a military heritage site means that the site cannot be destroyed, removed, or significantly altered, other than for repair or <br>renovation without the written consent of the commission. (2) Designation of an object as a military heritage object means that the object cannot be destroyed, removed, sold, or significantly altered, other than for repair or <br>renovation or temporary loan not exceeding one (1) year without the written consent <br>of the commission. (3) The commission shall promulgate administrative regulations defining permitted and forbidden activities relating to military heritage sites and military heritage objects <br>and which activity requires either written permission of the commission or action by <br>the commission to rescind the designation of the site as a military heritage site or <br>rescind the designation of the object as a military heritage object. Effective: July 15, 2002 <br>History: Created 2002 Ky. Acts ch. 40, sec. 4, effective July 15, 2002.