161.167 Program to encourage persons to enter Kentucky teaching profession -- Reports.

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Page 1 of 1 161.167 Program to encourage persons to enter Kentucky teaching profession -- Reports. (1) By January 1, 2001, the Kentucky Department of Education, with help from representatives of the Education Professional Standards Board, the Council on <br>Postsecondary Education, the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, the <br>Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities, public and private <br>not-for-profit postsecondary institutions, and local educational agencies, shall <br>develop a plan, including timelines for implementation, for a multidimensional <br>recruitment and information program, to encourage persons to enter the teaching <br>profession and to seek employment in Kentucky. (2) The program shall not supplant or diminish current efforts required in KRS 161.165. (3) The components of the program shall include: (a) Early recruitment programs to inform middle and high school students about the potential of teaching as a career; (b) Programs to encourage paraprofessionals in schools, as well as other nontraditional students, to pursue additional education to become teachers; (c) Programs to enlist highly skilled career employees in specific content areas to pursue teaching as a second career; (d) Options for recruiting persons with liberal arts and sciences majors and current students with nondeclared majors into nontraditional and accelerated <br>teacher preparation programs; (e) Marketing strategies for informing the public of the importance of high quality teaching to student achievement, the value of teachers to society as a whole, <br>the benefits and rewards of teaching, and the options for entering teacher <br>preparation, including scholarship information; and (f) Expanding the Kentucky Department of Education's electronic bulletin board for certified vacancies in local school districts to include an option for <br>potential teachers to voluntarily post their availability for education positions <br>within the state. (4) No later than March 15, 2001, the Department of Education shall present a status report of the recruitment and information program to the Interim Joint Committee <br>on Education; and no later than October 15, 2001, the Department of Education <br>shall present to the Interim Joint Committee on Education and the Interim Joint <br>Committee on Appropriations and Revenue a summary report with <br>recommendations. Effective: July 14, 2000 <br>History: Created 2000 Ky. Acts ch. 527, sec. 5, effective July 14, 2000.