154.33.525 Board of directors -- Terms of office -- Vacancies.

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154.33-525 Board of directors -- Terms of office -- Vacancies. (1) The corporation shall be governed by a board of directors whose membership shall consist of the following: <br>(a) The county judge/executive, or his designee, of each county participating in the corporation pursuant to KRS 154.33-520; (b) The mayor, or his designee, of each city participating in the corporation pursuant to KRS 154.33-520; (c) Three (3) persons who shall be appointed by the Governor to represent areawide public or private sector interests and concerns; (d) One (1) member for each area development district containing any county located within the region, who shall be appointed by the board of directors of <br>the area development districts; and (e) Such additional at-large citizen members as may be determined by the board; however, total at-large citizen membership on the board shall not exceed the <br>total of those board members as provided in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (d) of <br>this subsection. (2) The terms of office on the board of each mayor and county judge/executive shall be the same as their official tenure in office; the term of office for those persons <br>appointed by the Governor shall be the same as the Governor's tenure in office; and <br>the term of office for all other members appointed to the board pursuant to <br>paragraph (d) and (e) of subsection (1) of this section shall be four (4) years, but the <br>term of office of all members first appointed shall be staggered so that a <br>proportionate number serve one (1), two (2), three (3), and four (4) years <br>respectively. (3) When a vacancy occurs in a seat held by a gubernatorial appointee, the Governor shall fill the vacancy within sixty (60) days from the date the vacancy first occurs. If <br>the Governor fails to act within the specified time, then the chairman of the board <br>may fill the vacancy upon confirmation by a majority of the members of the <br>executive committee. (4) When a vacancy occurs on the board in a seat held by a representative of an area development district, the appointing authority shall fill the vacancy within sixty (60) <br>days from the date the vacancy first occurs. If the appointing authority fails to act <br>within the specified time, the chairman of the board may fill the vacancy upon <br>confirmation by a majority of the members of the executive committee. (5) When a vacancy occurs on the board in a seat held by an at-large citizen member, then the chairman of the board may fill the vacancy upon confirmation by a majority <br>of the executive committee. If the chairman does not act within sixty (60) days from <br>the date the vacancy first occurs then the executive committee shall fill the vacancy. (6) Vacancies on the board or the executive committee shall not be counted for purposes of a quorum. (7) All powers and authorities granted to the corporation under the provisions of KRS 154.33-501 to 154.33-585 shall be vested in the board of directors, except as <br>otherwise stated in KRS 154.33-501 to 154.33-585. Effective: July 14, 1992 <br>History: Amended 1992 Ky. Acts ch. 43, sec. 4, effective July 14, 1992. -- Created 1990 Ky. Acts ch. 105, sec. 4, effective March 20, 1990, March 20, 1990. Formerly codified as KRS 154B.106