58.550 Bonds may be issued without any departmental consent -- Bond sale not governed by KRS 56.450.

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58.550 Bonds may be issued without any departmental consent -- Bond sale not governed by KRS 56.450. The issuance of revenue bonds by the authority under the provisions of KRS 58.500 to <br>58.590 need not comply with the requirements of any other law applicable to the issuance <br>of bonds. Bonds may be issued under the provisions of KRS 58.500 to 58.590 without <br>obtaining the consent of any department, division, commission, board, bureau or agency <br>of the Commonwealth, and without any proceedings or any other conditions or things, <br>except as specifically required by KRS 58.500 to 58.590. The provisions of KRS 58.500 <br>to 58.590 will supersede KRS 56.450 in regard to the sale of revenue bonds by this <br>authority. Utilization may be made by the authority, however, of the provisions of <br>sections of this chapter relating to issuance of revenue bonds for public projects generally <br>in respect to: form, coupons, denominations, place of payment, signing, facsimile <br>signatures, negotiability and method of sale. Effective: June 17, 1978 <br>History: Created 1978 Ky. Acts ch. 111, sec. 6, effective June 17, 1978.