15A.342 Duties of Office of Drug Control Policy and KY-ASAP -- Authority for administrative regulations -- Reports.

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Page 1 of 3 15A.342 Duties of Office of Drug Control Policy and KY-ASAP -- Authority for administrative regulations -- Reports. The Office of Drug Control Policy shall be responsible for all matters relating to the <br>research, coordination, and execution of drug control policy and for the management of <br>state and federal grants, including but not limited to the prevention and treatment related <br>to substance abuse. By December 31 of each year, the Office of Drug Control Policy shall <br>review, approve, and coordinate all current projects of any substance abuse program <br>which is conducted by or receives funding through agencies of the executive branch. This <br>oversight shall extend to all substance abuse programs which are principally related to the <br>prevention or treatment, or otherwise targeted at the reduction, of substance abuse in the <br>Commonwealth. The Office of Drug Control Policy shall promulgate administrative <br>regulations consistent with enforcing this oversight authority. In addition, the Office of <br>Drug Control Policy and KY-ASAP shall: <br>(1) Develop a strategic plan to reduce the prevalence of smoking and drug and alcohol abuse among both the youth and adult populations in Kentucky; (2) Monitor the data and issues related to youth alcohol and tobacco access, smoking cessation and prevention, and substance abuse policies, their impact on state and <br>local programs, and their flexibility to adapt to the needs of local communities and <br>service providers; (3) Make policy recommendations to be followed to the extent permitted by budgetary restrictions and federal law, by executive branch agencies that work with smoking <br>cessation and prevention and alcohol and substance abuse issues to ensure the <br>greatest efficiency in agencies and to ensure that a consistency in philosophy will be <br>applied to all efforts undertaken by the administration in initiatives related to <br>smoking cessation and prevention and alcohol and substance abuse; (4) Identify existing resources in each community that advocate or implement programs for smoking cessation or prevention, or drug and alcohol abuse prevention, <br>education, or treatment; (5) Encourage coordination among public and private, state and local, agencies, organizations, and service providers, and monitor related programs; (6) Act as the referral source of information, utilizing existing information clearinghouse resources within the Department for Public Health and CHAMPIONS <br>for a Drug Free Kentucky Office, relating to youth tobacco access, smoking <br>cessation and prevention, and substance abuse prevention, cessation, and treatment <br>programs. The Office of Drug Control Policy and KY-ASAP shall identify gaps in <br>information referral sources; (7) Search for grant opportunities for existing programs within the Commonwealth; <br>(8) Make recommendations to state and local agencies and local tobacco addiction and substance abuse advisory and coordination boards; (9) Observe programs from other states; <br>(10) Coordinate services among local and state agencies, including but not limited to the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, the Page 2 of 3 Department of Agriculture, the Public Protection Cabinet, the Administrative Office <br>of the Courts, and the Education and Workforce Development Cabinet; (11) Assure the availability of training, technical assistance, and consultation to local service providers for programs funded by the Commonwealth that provide services <br>related to tobacco addiction, smoking cessation or prevention, or alcohol or <br>substance abuse; (12) Review existing research on programs related to smoking cessation and prevention and substance abuse prevention and treatment; (13) Comply with any federal mandate regarding smoking cessation and prevention and substance abuse, to the extent authorized by state statute; (14) Establish a mechanism to coordinate the distribution of funds to support any local prevention, treatment, and education program based on the strategic plan developed <br>in subsection (1) of this section that could encourage smoking cessation and <br>prevention through efficient, effective, and research-based strategies; (15) Oversee a school-based initiative that links schools with community-based agencies and health departments to implement School Programs to Prevent Tobacco Use, <br>based upon the model recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and <br>Prevention. To the extent permitted by resources, the initiative shall involve input <br>by and services from each of the family resource and youth services centers, <br>regional prevention centers, and existing school-based antidrug programs; (16) Work with community-based organizations to encourage them to work together to establish comprehensive tobacco addiction and substance abuse prevention <br>education programs and carry out the strategic plan developed in this section. These <br>organizations shall be encouraged to partner with district and local health <br>departments and community mental health centers to plan and implement <br>interventions to reach youths before tobacco addiction and substance abuse become <br>a problem in their lives; (17) Coordinate media campaigns designed to demonstrate the negative impact of smoking and the increased risk of tobacco addiction, substance abuse, and the <br>development of other disease in children, young people, and adults. To accomplish <br>this objective, KY-ASAP shall work with local media to reach all segments of the <br>community quickly and efficiently; (18) Certify to the Governor, the secretary of the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, and the General Assembly during the budget request process established under KRS <br>Chapter 48 the extent to which each entity receiving state funds has cooperated with <br>the Office of Drug Control Policy and KY-ASAP, coordinated with community <br>resources, and vigorously pursued the philosophy of the Office of Drug Control <br>Policy and KY-ASAP; (19) Promulgate, with the approval of the secretary of the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, any administrative regulations necessary to implement this section and <br>KRS 15A.340 and 15A.344; and (20) Report annually to the Legislative Research Commission and Governor regarding the proper organization of state government agencies that will provide the greatest Page 3 of 3 coordination of services, and report semiannually to the Legislative Research <br>Commission and Governor on the status of the Office of Drug Control Policy and <br>KY-ASAP programs, services, and grants, and on other matters as requested by the <br>Legislative Research Commission and Governor. Effective: July 15, 2010 <br>History: Amended 2010 Ky. Acts ch. 24, sec. 21, effective July 15, 2010. -- Amended 2009 Ky. Acts ch. 11, sec. 7, effective June 25, 2009. -- Repealed, reenacted, and <br>amended 2007 Ky. Acts ch. 85, sec. 11, effective June 26, 2007. -- Amended 2006 <br>Ky. Acts ch. 211, sec. 6, effective July 12, 2006. -- Amended 2005 Ky. Acts ch. 99, <br>sec. 11, effective June 20, 2005. -- Created 2000 Ky. Acts ch. 536, sec. 26, effective <br>July 14, 2000. Formerly codified as KRS 12.332.