72-978. Reimbursement to school districts; computation of amounts; apportionment; limitations.
72-978. Reimbursement to school districts;computation of amounts; apportionment; limitations.(a) Each year, the state board of education shall determine the amount of stateaid for the provision of special education and related services each schooldistrict shall receive for the ensuing school year. The amount of such stateaid shall be computed by the state board as provided in this section. The stateboard shall:
(1) Determine the total amount of general fund and local option budgets ofall school districts;
(2) subtract from the amount determined in paragraph (1) the total amountattributable to assignment of transportation weighting, program weighting,special education weighting and at-risk pupil weighting to enrollment of allschool districts;
(3) divide the remainder obtained in paragraph (2) by the total number offull-time equivalent pupils enrolled in all school districts on September 20;
(4) determine the total full-time equivalent enrollment of exceptionalchildren receiving special education and related services provided by allschool districts;
(5) multiply the amount of the quotient obtained in paragraph (3) by thefull-time equivalent enrollment determined in paragraph (4);
(6) determine the amount of federal funds received by all school districtsfor the provision of special education and related services;
(7) determine the amount of revenue received by all school districts renderedunder contracts with the state institutions for the provisions of specialeducation and related services by the state institution;
(8) add the amounts determined under paragraphs (6) and (7) to the amount ofthe product obtained under paragraph (5);
(9) determine the total amount of expenditures of all school districts forthe provision of special education and related services;
(10) subtract the amount of the sum obtained under paragraph (8) from theamount determined under paragraph (9); and
(11) multiply the remainder obtained under paragraph (10) by 92%.
The computed amount is the amount of state aid for the provision of specialeducation and related services aid a school district is entitled to receive forthe ensuing school year.
(b) Each school district shall be entitled to receive:
(1) Reimbursement for actual travel allowances paid to special teachers atnot to exceed the rate specified under K.S.A. 75-3203, and amendments thereto,for each mile actually traveled during the school year in connection withduties in providing special education or related services for exceptionalchildren; such reimbursement shall be computed by the state board byascertaining the actual travel allowances paid to special teachers by theschool district for the school year and shall be in an amount equal to 80% ofsuch actual travel allowances;
(2) reimbursement in an amount equal to 80% of the actual travel expensesincurred for providing transportation for exceptional children to specialeducation or related services; such reimbursement shall not be paid if suchchild has been counted in determining the transportation weighting of thedistrict under the provisions of the school district finance and qualityperformance act;
(3) reimbursement in an amount equal to 80% of the actual expenses incurredfor the maintenance of an exceptional child at some place other than theresidence of such child for the purpose of providing special education orrelated services; such reimbursement shall not exceed $600 per exceptionalchild per school year; and
(4) except for those school districts entitled to receive reimbursement undersubsection (c) or (d), after subtracting the amounts of reimbursement underparagraphs (1), (2) and (3) of this subsection (a) from the total amountappropriated for special education and related services under this act, anamount which bears the same proportion to the remaining amount appropriated asthe number of full-time equivalent special teachers who are qualified toprovide special education or related services to exceptional children and areemployed by the school district for approved special education or relatedservices bears to the total number of such qualified full-time equivalentspecial teachers employed by all school districts for approved specialeducation or related services.
Each special teacher who is qualified to assist in the provision of specialeducation or related services to exceptional children shall be counted as 2/5full-time equivalent special teacher who is qualified to provide specialeducation or related services to exceptional children.
(c) Each school district which has paid amounts for the provision of specialeducation and related services under an interlocal agreement shall be entitledto receive reimbursement under subsection (b)(4). The amount of suchreimbursement for the district shall be the amount which bears the samerelation to the aggregate amount available for reimbursement for the provisionof special education and related services under the interlocal agreement, asthe amount paid by such district in the current school year for provision ofsuch special education and related services bears to the aggregate of allamounts paid by all school districts in the current school year who haveentered into such interlocal agreement for provision of such special educationand related services.
(d) Each contracting school district which has paid amounts for the provisionof special education and related services as a member of a cooperative shall beentitled to receive reimbursement under subsection (b)(4). The amount of suchreimbursement for the district shall be the amount which bears the samerelation to the aggregate amount available for reimbursement for the provisionof special education and related services by the cooperative, as the amountpaid by such district in the current school year for provision of such specialeducation and related services bears to the aggregate of all amounts paid byall contracting school districts in the current school year by such cooperativefor provision of such special education and related services.
(e) No time spent by a special teacher in connection with duties performedunder a contract entered into by the Kansas juvenile correctional complex, theAtchison juvenile correctional facility, the Beloit juvenile correctionalfacility, the Larned juvenile correctional facility, or the Topeka juvenilecorrectional facility and a school district for the provision of specialeducation services by such state institution shall be counted in makingcomputations under this section.
History: L. 1974, ch. 290, § 19;L. 1976, ch. 307, § 1;L. 1986, ch. 265, § 1;L. 1987, ch. 270, § 1;L. 1992, ch. 280, § 39;L. 1996, ch. 229, § 120;L. 1997, ch. 156, § 84;L. 1999, ch. 116, § 26;L. 2002, ch. 196, § 1;L. 2003, ch. 72, § 3;L. 2005, ch. 152, § 10;L. 2005, ch. 2, § 17 (Special Session);L. 2006, ch. 197, § 7; July 1.