72-8222. School security officers and campus police officers.
72-8222. School security officers and campus policeofficers.(a) The board of education of any school district or the board oftrusteesof any community college may employ school security officers,and may designate any one or more of such school security officers as acampus police officer, to aidand supplement law enforcement agencies of the state and of the city andcountyin which the school district or community college is located.
(b) Theprotective function of school security officers shall extend to allproperty of the school district or communitycollege and theprotection of students, teachers and other employees together with theproperty of such persons on or in any school or community collegeproperty or areasadjacentthereto, or while attending or located at the site of any school or communitycollege-sponsored function. While engaged in the protectivefunctions specified in this section, each school securityofficer shallpossess and exercise all general law enforcementpowers, rights, privileges, protections and immunities inevery county in which there is located any part ofthe territory of the school district or community college.
(c) The protective function of campus police officers shall extend to allproperty of the school district or community college and the protection ofstudents, teachers and other employees together with the property of suchpersons on or in any school or community college property or areas adjacentthereto, or while attending or located at the site of any school or communitycollege-sponsored function. While engaged in the protective functionsspecified in this section, each campus police officer shall possess andexercise all general law enforcement powers, rights, privileges, protectionsand immunities in every county in which there is located any part of theterritoryof the school district or community college.
(d) Campus police officers shall have the power and authority of lawenforcement officers:
(1) On property owned, occupied or operated by the school district orcommunity collegeor at the site of a function sponsored by the school district or communitycollege;
(2) on the streets, property and highways immediately adjacent to andcoterminous withproperty described in subsection (d)(1);
(3) within the city or county where property described in subsection (d)(1)is located, asnecessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of students and faculty ofthe school district orcommunity college, with appropriate agreement by local law enforcementagencies. Suchagreements shall include provisions, defining the geographical scope of thejurisdictionconferred, circumstances requiring the extended jurisdiction, scope of lawenforcement powersand duration of the agreement. Before any agreement entered into pursuant tothis section shall take effect, it shall be approved by the governing body ofthe city or county, orboth, havingjurisdiction where such property is located, and the board of education orboard of trusteesinvolved;
(4) with appropriate notification of and coordination with local lawenforcement agencies,within the city or county where property described in subsection (d)(1) or(d)(2) islocated, whenthere is reason to believe that a violation of a state law, county resolutionor city ordinance hasoccurred on such property, as necessary to investigate and arrest persons forsuch a violation;
(5) when in fresh pursuit of a person; and
(6) when transporting persons in custody to an appropriate facility, whereverit may belocated.
(e) In addition to enforcement of state law, county resolutions and cityordinances, campus police officers shall enforce rules and regulations andrules and policies of the board of trustees or school board, whether or notviolation thereof constitutes a criminal offense. While on duty, campuspolice officers shall wear and display publicly a badge of office. No suchbadge shall be required to be worn by any plain clothes investigator ordepartmental administrator, but any such officer shall present propercredentials and identification when required in the performance of suchofficer's duties. In performance of any of the powers, duties and functionsauthorized by this section, K.S.A. 22-2401a, and amendments thereto,or any other law, campus police officers shall have the same rights,protectionsand immunities afforded other law enforcement officers.
(f) The board of education of each school district shall adopt a policyproviding for notification of a student's parents or guardians whenever thestudent is taken into custody by a campus police officer.
History: L. 1969, ch. 363, § 1; L. 1976, ch. 321, § 1;L. 1987, ch. 277, § 1;L. 2004, ch. 48, § 7; July 1.