72-8174. U.S.D. 350 authorized to transfer certain land to city of Hudson.
72-8174. U.S.D. 350 authorized to transfer certain land to city of Hudson.(a) The board of education of unified school district No. 350, Staffordcounty, is hereby authorized to transfer to the city of Hudson, Kansas,the following described parcels of land: (1) A parcel of land describedas all of block four (4) of the original subdivision in the city of Hudson,Stafford county, Kansas, and that part of vacated Main street which liesbetween block three (3) and block four (4) in the original subdivision inthe city of Hudson, Stafford county, Kansas; and (2) a parcel of land describedas all of block three (3), except the east ninety-seven feet (E 97') ofHenry Bauer's subdivision in the city of Hudson, Stafford county, Kansas.
(b) The transfer of land described in subsection (a) may be made by theboard of education of unified school district No. 350, Stafford county,to the city of Hudson, Kansas, in consideration of $5 and other good andvaluable consideration, and upon such terms and conditions as may be mutuallyagreed upon by both parties. The transfer authorized by this act shall bemade by quitclaim deed.The provisions of K.S.A. 72-8212, and amendments thereof, shall not applyto the transaction authorized by this act.
History: L. 1983, ch. 233, § 1; July 1.