72-6810. Definitions.
72-6810. Definitions.As used in this act: (a) "State scholarship" means an award under this actby this state to a state scholar who has established financial need.
(b) "State scholar" means a full-time, in-state student who hasexhibited scholastic ability and who is initially acceptable forentering an eligible institution or who has so entered and is in goodstanding and making satisfactory progress.
(c) "Full-time, in-state student" means a person who is a residentof Kansas and who is enrolled at an eligible institution in an educationalprogram for at least 12 hours each semester or the equivalentthereof, or who is regularly enrolled at an eligible institution in avocational or technical education program. The board of regents shalldetermine the number of hours for terms or program periodsother than semesters to constitute the equivalent of 12 hours.
(d) "Financial need" means the difference between theavailable financial resources of a student and such student's total anticipatedexpenses to attend an eligible institution. A student's financialresources shall include (1) four hundred and fifty dollars eachyear from the student's own work and resources, and (2)a contribution from the income and assets of the student's parents, ifsufficient, as determined by acompleted financial needs analysis statement and based upon the acceptedcriteria of a nationally recognized financial needs analysis agency.Financial need shall be redetermined annually.
(e) "Eligible institution" means an institution of postsecondaryeducation which maintains open enrollment, the main campus orprincipal place of operation of whichis located in Kansas, and which qualifies as aneligible institution for the federal guaranteed-loan program under thehigher education act of 1965 (P.L. 89-329), as amended.
(f) "Open enrollment" means the policy of an institution ofpostsecondary education which provides the opportunity of enrollment for anystudent who meets its academic and other reasonable enrollmentrequirements, without regard for race, gender, religion, creed or nationalorigin.
(g) "Board of regents" means the state board of regents provided forin the constitution of this state and described in article 32 of chapter74 of Kansas Statutes Annotated.
(h) "Term" means one of two or more divisions of an academic year ofan institution of postsecondary education in which substantially allcourses begin and end at substantially the same time and during whichinstruction is regularly given to students.
(i) "Semester" means one of two principal terms, when there are onlytwo principal terms in the academic year, whether or not there are othershorter terms during the same academic year.
(j) "Program period" means the duration of the period of time, orany division thereof, required for completion of a vocational ortechnical education programwhich is given in an institution of postsecondary education.
History: L. 1974, ch. 304, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 374, § 8; L.1977, ch. 237, § 8; L. 1977, ch. 249, § 1; L. 1979, ch. 229, § 3;L. 1986, ch. 274, § 1; July 1.