72-6794. Same; district 458 and following.


Chapter 72.--SCHOOLS

      72-6794.   Same; district 458 and following.The orders of the state superintendent of public instruction issuedafter unified district No. 457 of Finney county and before the effectivedate of this act headed "order organizing unified school districts anddisorganizing nonunified school districts" are hereby declared to beoperative and effective to the extent and at the times specified in suchorders except as may be otherwise specifically provided in any of theunification acts. The orders of the state superintendent herebyvalidated are made in substantially the following form and the same arefiled in the office of the state superintendent of public instruction:

Form 120B

Adel F. Throckmorton, SuperintendentTopeka, Kansas


      In accordance with authority vested in the State Superintendent ofPublic Instruction by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Kansas,and particularly Chapter 393 of the Session Laws of Kansas, 1963, asamended and supplemented by House bill No. 539 of the 1965 Session ofthe Legislature, the within order is entered and made this ____ day of_________, 1965, by me, Adel F. Throckmorton, duly elected and actingState Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Kansas.

Part A

      Preliminary to issuing the within order the following findings arehereby made and declared:

      1.   On ____________, the ______________ filed a petition, lateramended on ____________, with the State Superintendent of PublicInstruction under authority of Section 4 or 5 of House bill No. 539 ofthe 1965 Legislature for the establishment of a unified school districtcomprised of territory described in such petition as follows:

      2.   Said ______________ duly adopted a resolution authorizing theexecution of such petition, and the same was duly executed and presentedto the State Superintendent of Public Instruction on ____________, 19__.

      3.   The method of election of members of the board of the unifieddistrict petitioned for is stated in such petition (together withrecommendations for member district boundaries). The same conforms tothe provisions of law thereto relating.

      4.   The proposed unified district meets the requirements of Section 5of said House bill No. 539.

      5.   The State Superintendent of Public Instruction has consideredsuch petition and is of the opinion that establishment of such unifiedschool district is consistent with the purposes named in said Chapter393 and House bill No. 539.

      Therefore, and in consideration of the above, I, Adel F.Throckmorton, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, State ofKansas, do hereby order that the above-named and described unifieddistrict is hereby organized, and its home county is designated to be__________ County; the above described unified district shall hereafterbe designated by the name and style of Unified School District No. ____,__________ County; State of Kansas; the ______________

(Name election officer)  

shall conduct an election for __________ board members of theunified district on ____________, 1965, and the board members electedshall take office on July 1, 1965 [as interim board members until July1, 1966 (omit for city districts)], at which time such unified districtshall become effective and operative for all purposes and the boardmembers so elected shall serve as the board of education of the unifieddistrict as is provided by law; the territorial extent and boundaries ofthe unified district hereby established is described in paragraph 1above; the below named nonunified school districts are herebydisorganized effective

Part B

      Whereas, the above order is made and entered, the followingfurther order is also made and entered as a part thereof, to wit:

      1.   All of the following named school districts are wholly within theboundaries of the unified district hereby organized and such namedschool districts are hereby disorganized effective July 1, 1966:

Type of            Number ofdistrict           district           County

      2.   All of the following named school districts are divided by thisorganization order, but the remaining territory thereof is adequate insize to remain organized in the opinion of the State Superintendent ofPublic Instruction, and the same shall therefore remain organized untiland unless disorganized according to law:

Type of            Number ofdistrict           district           County

      3.   All of the following named school districts are divided by thisorganization order and, in the opinion of the State Superintendent ofPublic Instruction, the territories outside of the unified district arenot adequate in size to remain organized; therefore, these districts arehereby disorganized effective July 1, 1966:

Type of            Number ofdistrict           district           County

      This order is signed and executed this ____ day of _________, 19__,and shall take effect and be in force at the times and to the extentprovided by law in Chapter 393 of the Session Laws of Kansas, 1963, asamended by House bill No. 539 of the 1965 Session of the Legislature.

/s/ Adel F. Throckmorton State Superintendent of Public Instruction of the [seal]
State of Kansas

      The unified districts validated by this section are designated by thename and style of "Unified School District No. ____, __________ County,State of Kansas"; and the numbers and counties of such unified districtsare as follows: No. 458 of Leavenworth county; No. 459 of Ford county;No. 460 of Harvey county; No. 461 of Wilson county; Nos. 462 and 463 ofCowley county; No. 464 of Leavenworth county; No. 465 of Cowley county;No. 466 of Scott county; No. 467 of Wichita county; No. 468 of Lanecounty; No. 469 of Leavenworth county; Nos. 470 and 471 of Cowleycounty; No. 472 of Neosho county; No. 473 of Dickinson county; No. 474of Kiowa county; No. 475 of Geary county; and Nos. 201, 202, 203 and 204of Wyandotte county; Nos. 476 and 477 of Gray county; No. 478 ofHamilton county; No. 479 of Anderson county; No. 480 of Seward county;No. 481 of Dickinson county; No. 482 of Lane county; No. 483 of Sewardcounty; and No. 484 of Wilson county.

      History:   L. 1965, ch. 410, § 11; May 17.