72-4525. Supplementary education programs; establishment, maintenance; tuition, fees; fund, establishment and sources; expenses.


Chapter 72.--SCHOOLS

      72-4525.   Supplementary education programs; establishment, maintenance;tuition, fees; fund, establishment and sources; expenses.(a) Any board may establish and maintain an adult supplementaryeducation program for the instruction of persons desirous of attendingsuch a program.

      (b)   The cost of instruction for adult supplementary educationprograms shall be borne by the school district or communitycollege and the board shall obtain and furnish the necessary teachingpersonnel and supplies. Tuition or fees shall be charged by the board tooffset expense of operation of adult supplementary education programs inpart or in total.

      (c)   There is hereby established in every school district and in everycommunity college a fund which shall be called the adultsupplementaryeducation fund, which fund shall consist of all moneys deposited thereinor transferred thereto according to law. All moneys received by a board for adult supplementaryeducation shall be deposited in the adult supplementary education fundestablished by this section. The expensesof a school district or a community college attributable to adultsupplementary education shall be paid from the adult supplementary educationfund.

      History:   L. 1974, ch. 311, § 10; L. 1979, ch. 223, § 3;L. 1999, ch. 147, § 119; July 1.