72-4523. Tax levy authorized; limitations; disposition of proceeds; adult education fund; protest petition.
72-4523. Tax levy authorized; limitations; disposition of proceeds;adult education fund;protest petition.(a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b), the board of anyschool district may make an annual taxlevy for a period of notto exceed five years in an amount not to exceed 1/2mill upon the assessed taxable tangible property withinthe school district to maintain and operate an adult basic education program ata level approved by the state board and for the purpose of paying a portionof the principal and interest on bonds issued by cities under authorityof K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, for the financingof redevelopment projects upon property located within the school district.Proceeds from the tax levy, except for an amount to pay a portion ofthe principal and interest on bonds issued by cities under authorityof K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, for the financingof redevelopment projects upon property located within the school district, shallbe deposited in the adult education fund of the school district, which fund ishereby established. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, allmoneys received by the school district from whatever source for adult basiceducation shall be credited to the adult education fund established bythis section. The expenses of a school district directly attributable to adultbasic education shall be paid from the adult education fund.
(b) No tax levy shall be made under this section until aresolution authorizing the levy is passed by the board and published once aweek for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation inthe school district. The resolution shall specify the millage rate of thetax levy and the period of time for which the tax levy shall be made underauthority thereof. After adoption of the resolution, the levy may bemade unless, within 90 days following the last publication of theresolution, a petition in opposition to the levy, signed by not less than5% of the qualified electors of the school district, is filed with thecounty election officer of the home county of the school district. In theevent a petition is filed, the tax shall not be leviedwithout the question of levying the same having been submitted to and approvedby a majority of the qualified electors of the schooldistrict voting at an election which shall be called for that purpose orat the next general election.
(c) The board of any school district which has made a tax levyauthorized under the provisions of this section may initiate procedures torenew its authority to make such a tax levy at any time after the finallevy under a current authorization is certified to the county clerk.
History: L. 1974, ch. 311, § 7; L. 1974, ch. 312, § 1; L. 1979,ch. 52, § 177;L. 1985, ch. 242, § 1; July 1.