72-1046b. Same; provision of transportation authorized; applicability; conditions.
72-1046b. Same; provision of transportationauthorized; applicability; conditions.(a) As used in this section:
(1) "School district" means a school district organized and operating underthe laws of thisstate and no part of which is located in Johnson county, Sedgwick county,Shawnee county, orWyandotte county.
(2) "Receiving school district" means a school district of nonresidence of apupil.
(3) "Sending school district" means a school district of residence of apupil.
(4) "Pupil" means a person who is enrolled and in attendance at school in areceiving school district and who (A) lives 10 or more miles from theattendance center the pupil would attend in a sending school district or (B) isa member of the family of a pupil meeting the condition prescribed in subpart(A).
(5) "Member of the family" means a brother or sister of the whole or halfblood or by adoption, a stepbrother or stepsister, and a foster brother orfoster sister.
(b) The parent or legal guardian of any pupil may apply to the board ofeducation of a sending school district on or before July 15 of the currentschool year for authority for such pupil to be furnished or providedtransportation to school from the pupil's residence and from school to thepupil's residence by the receiving school district. The application shall bemade upon forms prescribed by the state board of education.
(c) Upon receiving any application under this section, the board of educationof a sending school district shall inquire of the receiving school districtwhether it is willing to furnish or provide transportation for the pupil namedin the application. If the board of education of the sending school districtdetermines that the receiving school district is willing to furnish or providetransportation for the pupil and the board of education of the sending schooldistrict and the board of education of the receiving school district agree thatthe pupil is a pupil as defined in subsection (a)(4)(A) or (B), the board ofthe sending school district shall issue an order authorizing the furnishing orprovision of transportation by the receiving school district for the affectedpupil to school from the pupil's residence and to the pupil's residence fromschool.
(d) Pupils attending school in a receiving school district under theprovisions of this section shall be counted as regularly enrolled in andattending school in the receiving school district for the purpose ofcomputations, except computation of transportation weighting, under the schooldistrictfinance and quality performance act and for the purposes of the statutoryprovisions contained in article 83 of chapter 72 of Kansas Statutes Annotated.No such pupil shall be charged for the costs of attendance at school in areceiving school district.
History: L. 1997, ch. 183, § 2;L. 1999, ch. 20, § 1;L. 2000, ch. 155, § 1;L. 2001, ch. 22, § 1;L. 2008, ch. 172, § 1; May 29.