71-617. Adult basic education; tax levy authorized, limitations, protest; fund, sources; expenses.



      71-617.   Adult basic education; tax levy authorized, limitations, protest;fund, sources; expenses.(a) The board of trustees of any community college may levy a taxin each year for a period of not to exceed five (5) years of not toexceed one-fourth (1/4) mill on all taxable tangible property within thedistrict to maintain and operate an adult basic education program at alevel approved by the state board. In no event shall the tax levyauthorized hereunder be at a rate which will produce an amount in excessof fifty thousand dollars ($50,000). Such tax levy shall be in additionto all other tax levies authorized or limited by law. Proceeds from suchtax levy shall be deposited in the adult education fund of the communitycollege which fund is hereby established. All moneys received bya community college for adult basic education shall be depositedin the adult education fund. The expenses of a community collegeattributable to adult basic education shall be paid from the adulteducation fund.

      (b)   No tax levy shall be made under authority of this section untila resolution authorizing such a levy is passed by the board of trusteesand published once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaperhaving general circulation in the community college district, andsuch resolution shall specify the millage rate of such tax levy and theperiod of time for which such tax levy shall be made under authoritythereof. After the adoption of such resolution such levy may be madeunless, within ninety (90) days following the last publication of theresolution, a petition in opposition to such levy, signed by not lessthan five percent (5%) of the qualified electors of such communitycollege district, is filed with the county election officer ofthe county in which the main campus of the community college islocated. In the event such a petition is filed, such levy shall not bemade without the question of levying the same having been submitted toand been approved by a majority of the qualified electors of thedistrict voting at an election which shall be called for that purpose orat the next general election.

      History:   L. 1974, ch. 311, § 8; L. 1974, ch. 312, § 2; L.1978, ch. 283, § 1; L. 1979, ch. 223, § 2; L. 1980, ch. 207, § 45; July 1.