68-596. County rural highway system; tax levy, use of proceeds; election required.
68-596. County rural highway system; tax levy, use of proceeds;election required.The board of county commissioners of any county adopting the provisionsof this act is hereby authorized to make an annual tax levy of not toexceed five mills on all the taxable tangible property in the countyoutside of incorporated cities for the construction, reconstruction,improvement, repair and maintenance of "local service roads" and bridgesand culverts located thereon within the county and for the purchase oftools, machinery and equipment to be used upon such roads and to pay aportion of the principal and interest on bonds issued under theauthority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto, bycities located in the county. Such levy shall be in addition to allother levies now or hereafter authorized by law for road purposes andonly one mill of such levy shall be subject to the aggregate tax levylimitation prescribed by article 19 of chapter 79 of the Kansas StatutesAnnotated and amendments thereto.
The board of county commissioners of any county adopting theprovisions of this act may upon resolution adopted by a majority of theboard, submit to the qualified electors of the county residing outsideof the corporate limits of any city, at any general election or specialelection called for that purpose as provided by law for bond elections,the question of levying a special tax of not to exceed five mills fornot to exceed two years for the purpose of raising funds for which toimprove "local service roads." At such election the question on theballot shall be stated in substantially the following form: Shall thecounty levy a tax of ______ mills for ______ years to raise funds forthe purpose of improving "local service roads"? The judges of theelection shall have the power to determine the residence qualificationsof the voters under this act. If a majority of those voting on suchquestions shall vote in favor thereof, the county board shall levy thetax as authorized on all the taxable tangible property in such countywhich has a tax situs outside the corporate limits of any city. Suchlevy shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized or limited bylaw. The proceeds from such levy must first be used on mail routes andschool bus routes.
History: L. 1970, ch. 273, § 6; L. 1979, ch. 52, § 165; July 1.