68-575. Same; form of ballot.



      68-575.   Same; form of ballot.At a special election called for such purpose or at a general election,whichever shall be designated by the board of county commissioners in saidresolution, the vote shall be by ballot and the question or propositionshall be printed on a separate ballot in substantially the following form:

Shall ______________ county adopt a master highway development plan toconstruct, reconstruct, improve or repair the arterial highways providedfor in such plan during the next ten (10) years at an estimated aggregatecost of not to exceed $____________, and to issue its general obligationbonds in an amount not to exceed said sum in payment of the same?

Opposite and after said proposition so printed on said ballots shall beprinted two (2) squares, one above the other; preceding the upper one ofsaid squares shall be printed the word "yes" and preceding the lower one ofsaid squares shall be printed the word "no." Immediately above suchproposition and across the entire width of said ballots shall be printedthe following: "To vote in favor of the adoption of such master highwaydevelopment plan and the issuance of bonds to pay the cost thereof, make an* in the square after the word 'yes'; and to vote against the adoptionof such master highway development plan and the issuance of bonds to paythe cost thereof, make an * in the square opposite the word 'no'."

      History:   L. 1957, ch. 372, § 3; June 29.