68-506b. Same; validation of certain acts of cities; letting of contracts; change of route; eminent domain.
68-506b. Same; validation ofcertain acts of cities; letting of contracts; change of route; eminentdomain.Where any city of the state, a part of whose boundary is formed by astate line between this and any other state, has heretofore begunproceedings by resolution, ordinance or otherwise, whereby the board ofcounty commissioners of the county in which such city islocated has undertaken, under the provisions of K.S.A. 68-506, andamendments thereto, and such resolution has been adoptedby the board of county commissioners, whereby such city hasbeen declared a benefit district, and such road throughsuch city has been declared a public utility,such proceedings shall not by reason of the passage of this act beinvalidated or set aside. Such action and theproceedings taken thereunder are hereby ratified,confirmed and validated. It isthe duty of the board of county commissioners in conjunction with the governingbody of such city, subject to the approval of the secretaryof transportation, to proceed with the work, or to advertise for and letcontracts in the manner provided for by law in other cases for the constructionof other highways, so as to connect the roads so constructed to the city limitson either side of such city.
Where it has become necessary to leave theroute heretofore or hereafter proposed to be used as a portion of the road orstreet connecting such highways at the city limits, in orderto eliminate steam or electric grade crossings, or any other dangerous placeson such highways, or to conform to the requirements of theKansas department of agriculture or the United States bureau of publicroads to obtain federal aid upon such road, or any partthereof, the county engineer and board of county commissioners, in conjunctionwith the governing body of such city, shall change the routeso as to eliminate such dangerous crossings, or other dangerous places.The governing body of such city shallproceed to designate or acquire by purchase or donation a right-of-way forsuch street along the route over whichsuch road may be relocated. Where the right-of-wayfor such purpose cannot be obtained by donation or purchasethe city council is hereby authorized to condemn a right-of-way forsuch purpose in the manner provided for by article 2, chapter 26 of theKansas Statutes Annotated, relating to the opening, widening or extending anystreet, insofar as the same is applicable.
History: L. 1925, ch. 211, § 3; L. 1975, ch. 427,§ 118;L. 2004, ch. 101, § 174; July 1.