68-2094. Authorization of projects.
68-2094. Authorization of projects.In order to provide for the construction of modern express highwayscommencing near the city of Winfield, Kansas, at a point of intersectionwith the modern express highway authorized to be constructed under theprovisions of K.S.A. 68-2070 to 68-2092, inclusive, and any acts amendatorythereof, and continuing in an easterly direction to the vicinity of and tothe south of the city of Independence, Kansas, and continuing in aneasterly direction to a point on the Kansas-Oklahoma border in the vicinityof the cities of Galena and Baxter Springs, Kansas, embodying wherefeasible and necessary, safety devices, including center division, ampleshoulder widths, long-sight distances, multiple lanes in each direction andgrade separations at intersections with other highways and railroads, andthereby facilitate vehicular traffic, in the areas to be served, removemany of the present handicaps and hazards on the congested highways in thestate, and promote the agricultural and industrial development of thestate, the authority is hereby authorized and empowered to construct,maintain, repair and operate any highway project (as hereinbefore defined),and to issue any highway revenue bonds of the authority, payable solelyfrom revenues and any payments to the authority from the state highway fundor state freeway fund provided to be made pursuant to the provisions ofthis act and the act of which this section is amendatory, to finance theproject. No highway project shall be undertaken or any highway revenuebonds issued therefor until April 1, 1976, and no highway project shall beundertaken unless and until such project and the proposed locationstherefor have been thoroughly studied with respect to traffic, engineering,cost and financing, nor unless such study shows: That adequate public fundsfor construction of free expressways on the routes to be served by suchproject are not available, and that the construction of such project can befinanced wholly through the investment of private funds in highway revenuebonds issued under the provisions of this act; and that such project andindebtedness incurred therefor will be entirely self-liquidating throughtolls and other income from operation of such project or projects, but notincluding any amounts to be paid from the state highway fund or statefreeway fund as provided by this act and the act of which this section isamendatory: Provided, In determining whether the project andindebtedness will be entirely self-liquidating it shall be proper toconsider actual and anticipated tolls and other income from any otherproject or projects financed under this act and also any reserves which areor will be available from proceeds of the bonds or any other source: Andprovided further, On and after April 1, 1976, once the authority hasdetermined that such study, or the study as amended and supplemented, showsthat the provisions of this section are met, the project or projects shallbe undertaken and bonds herein authorized shall be issued, and the validityof the project or projects and the validity of the bonds shall not beaffected by any question concerning the determination of the authority.
History: L. 1973, ch. 269, § 2; L. 1974, ch. 275, § 2; L. 1974, ch. 276, § 1;L. 1975, ch. 356, § 1; April 3.