68-2027. Same; status and classification of personnel assigned to policing duties; uniforms and vehicles.



      68-2027.   Same; status and classification of personnel assigned topolicing duties; uniforms and vehicles.Personnel assigned to such policing duties shall be classified in theirduties in the same manner and in the same or similar work in the Kansashighway patrol organization and shall be so paid. All persons soassigned shall be deemed members of the state highway patrol and of theretirement and pension system of the state highway patrol and shall besubject to the provisions of article 20b of chapter 74 [*] of theKansas Statutes Annotated and any acts amendatory thereof or supplementalthereto except that the Kansas turnpike authority shall make thenecessary contributions for such pension and retirement system for themembers who serve in behalf of the Kansas turnpike authority as wouldotherwise be required of the state of Kansas. Personnel of the statehighway patrol assigned to police toll or turnpike facilities under theauthority of this act shall not be considered in applying the provisionsof any other law of this state limiting the number of the personnel ofthe state highway patrol but the personnel so assigned shall be inaddition to the number of members of the state highway patrol as limitedby other laws. If personnel assigned to any toll or turnpike facility isuniformed, such uniforms shall be identical to uniforms provided Kansashighway patrol personnel and their vehicles shall be marked, if marked,in the identical manner as Kansas highway patrol vehicles: Provided,Such uniforms and markings [vehicles] shall be so marked, in addition,to indicate Kansas turnpike authority assignment.

      History:   L. 1955, ch. 304, § 3; June 30.