68-1412. Joint contracts for bridge improvement in certain abutting counties; bonds; tax levy.
68-1412. Joint contracts for bridge improvement in certainabutting counties; bonds; tax levy.Counties having a population of not less than twenty thousand andnot more than thirty thousand, and having an assessed valuation of notless than thirty-five million dollars and not more than forty-fivemillion dollars; and counties having a population of not less thanthirty thousand and not more than forty thousand, and having an assessedvaluation of not less than thirty million dollars and not more thanthirty-five million dollars, and abutting upon navigable streams whichform a boundary line between said two classes of counties, are herebyauthorized to enter into contracts with said abutting counties for thepurpose of improving or reconstructing bridges connecting said countiesand across such navigable streams and the necessary approach orapproaches thereto. The boards of county commissioners of such countiesare hereby authorized and empowered to meet in joint session and toenter into such contract by the adoption of a resolution setting forththe terms and conditions of said contract. Such contract and resolutionshall provide that the cost of improving or reconstructing said bridgeor bridges and the necessary approach or approaches thereto shall beapportioned equally between said counties.
If such resolution shall be adopted and such contract shall beentered into, the board of county commissioners of each county enteringinto said contract shall be and are hereby authorized to issuenegotiable bonds of said county in an amount not to exceed fifteenthousand dollars, under the provisions of the general bond law, for thepurpose of paying such county's share of the cost and expense of theimprovement and reconstruction of said bridge or bridges and approachesthereto.
Such bonds and the interest thereon shall be paid by a general taxlevied upon all the taxable property in the county and none of therestrictions or limitations relating to the amount of the county'sindebtedness contained in any of the laws of the state of Kansas shallapply to or in any way affect the issuance of the bonds authorized bythis act or any bonds so issued.
History: L. 1935, ch. 253, § 1; March 6.