68-1410a. Ordinance or resolution under 68-1404 and 68-1409; publication; hearing after written objections filed; notice; term of contract.



      68-1410a.   Ordinance or resolution under 68-1404 and 68-1409;publication; hearing after written objections filed; notice; term ofcontract.The ordinance or resolution of the board of county commissionersauthorizing the execution of any contract relating to any such bridge,or fixing the compensation to be paid for the use of any such bridge orof the tracks thereon, as provided in K.S.A. 68-1404 and 68-1409, shallbe read in full at three regular meetingsof the board, and promptly upon its final adoption, shall be publishedin the official county newspaper, and shall become effective upon theexpiration of ten days after the publication thereof unless, within saidten days after said publication, a taxpayer of the county, or thegoverning body of a city within the corporate limits of which suchbridge and the approaches thereto are located, or a civic organizationof such city or county shall file written objections with the countyclerk of such county to any of the terms of the contract authorized bysuch ordinance or resolution. If any such written objections are sofiled, the board of county commissioners shall hold a public hearing onsuch written objections, notice of the time and place of such publichearing to be given by one publication thereof in the official countynewspaper at least ten days prior to the date of said hearing.

      Upon such hearing, full opportunity shall be given to the objectorsfiling such written objections to present any evidence or argumentspertaining to their objections to the terms of the contract authorizedby said ordinance or resolution, and the board of county commissionersshall then, after consideration of said evidence and arguments, furtherconsider said ordinance or resolution and contract as upon the previousfinal reading and adoption thereof, having full power and authority toamend, modify or change the terms of said ordinance or resolution andcontract, subject to the acceptance of such amendments, modifications orchanges by the other party to said contract, or to readopt saidordinance or resolution and authorize said contract as originallyproposed and adopted, or to reject the same, the action of the board ofcounty commissioners upon said ordinance and resolution and the contractauthorized thereby and accepted by the other party thereto, to becomefinal and effective at the expiration of ten days from the date of saidaction.

      No contract entered into pursuant to the provisions hereof, whetherfor a definite period or on a terminable basis, shall extend for morethan twenty years, and any extension beyond twenty years shall be deemeda new contract, and shall not become effective until the foregoingrequirements are met.

      History:   L. 1947, ch. 346, § 3; Feb. 11.