68-1407. Same; surveys, plans and specifications; letting of contracts; publication notice; bond of contractor.



      68-1407.   Same; surveys, plans and specifications; letting ofcontracts; publication notice; bond of contractor.The county surveyor of said county, when so directed to do by the boardof county commissioners, shall make all necessary surveys andinvestigations and prepare plans and specifications for the construction ofsuch bridge and the approaches thereto, together with an estimate, underoath, of the cost thereof, and file such plans, specifications and estimatein the office of the county clerk of said county. Said bridge shall beconstructed under written contract made and awarded to the lowestresponsible bidder, upon sealed proposals therefor based upon the plans andspecifications so prepared and filed in the office of the county clerk ofsaid county. No contract shall be awarded therefor at a price in excess ofsaid estimated cost.

      The plans and specifications prepared and filed as above provided shallbe considered and approved by the board of county commissioners andthereafter said board shall advertise for three consecutive weeks in theofficial county paper for sealed proposals for the construction of saidbridge, and the contract therefor shall be awarded to the lowestresponsible bidder, and any contractor to whom any such contract isawarded, shall enter into a written contract therefor and to secure thefaithful performance thereof shall file in the office of the county clerkof said county a bond duly executed by one or more surety companies dulyauthorized to do business in this state to be approved by said board ofcounty commissioners.

      History:   L. 1913, ch. 69, § 2; March 13; R.S. 1923, 68-1407.