68-1115. Acceptance and rejection of bids; recording of bids; penalty for premature opening of bids.



      68-1115.   Acceptance and rejection of bids; recordingof bids; penalty forpremature opening of bids.The bids received shall be opened publicly by the board or the board'sdesignee at the place,date and hour named in the advertising notice, and shall be recorded indetail in the minutes of theboard of county commissioners or a record kept for that purpose by the countyclerk. All bids shall beconsidered and accepted or rejected. In case the work is let at suchpublic letting or thereafter, the contract shall be awarded to thelowest responsiblebidder,or the board may, if it deems the proposals too high, reject all bids andreadvertise the work as before, or it may let the work privately bysubmitting the contract, with a statement of the reasons for rejecting thebids at the public letting, to the secretary of transportation forapproval, except that no contract shall beletat an amountexceeding 110% of the county engineer's estimated cost or at a higherpricethanthe lowest responsible bid received at the public letting. The opening ofany bid by any person after the bid has been filed with thecountyclerkand before the time appointed for the opening of bids shall be a class Cmisdemeanor.

      History:   L. 1917, ch. 80, § 15; R.S. 1923, 68-1115;L. 1975, ch. 427, § 146;L. 2004, ch. 40, § 5;L. 2005, ch. 81, § 2; July 1.