68-151p. Acceptance of retrocession of exclusive jurisdiction over certain state highways bordering federal reservation and penitentiary.



      68-151p.   Acceptance of retrocession of exclusive jurisdiction overcertain state highways bordering federal reservation and penitentiary.The state of Kansas hereby accepts exclusive jurisdiction over certainhighways bordering Fort Leavenworth military reservation and the UnitedStates penitentiary at Leavenworth which are retroceded to the state ofKansas as set forth in public law 88-501 of the United States, anddescribed as follows:

      "A strip of land one hundred feet in width along the southern boundaryof the Fort Leavenworth military reservation and along the southernboundary of the Leavenworth penitentiary lands being that portion of theFort Leavenworth military reservation donated for exclusive use as a publicroad by act of congress approved July 27, 1868 (15 Stat. 238), whichremains United States government property, being a part of state highwaysnumbered 92 and 7, the highway numbered United States 73, and the publicroad known as Mount Zion road;

      "Also, a strip of land one hundred feet in width being fifty feet oneach side of the centerline of the highway numbered United States 73 andstate highway numbered 7 extending from the north boundary of the abovedescribed one hundred-foot strip northwesterly to the point of intersectionof the centerline of said highway with the westerly boundary of said FortLeavenworth military reservation;

      "Also, that portion of the right-of-way of the public road known asMount Zion road which extends in a northwesterly direction along thesouthwesterly boundary of the Leavenworth penitentiary lands."

      History:   L. 1965, ch. 399, § 1; March 18.