68-151o. Certain counties authorized to expend moneys received as reimbursement for expenditures without regard to certain budget limitations.
68-151o. Certain counties authorized to expend moneys received asreimbursement for expenditures without regard to certain budgetlimitations.The board of county commissioners of any county having used materials orcurrent operating funds in connection with or to pay all, or any part of,the cost of any road or bridge project, all or any portion of which, is tobe reimbursed, may expend the moneys so received as a reimbursement for thesame purposes for which the reimbursed funds or materials were originallybudgeted or intended if such expenditures are made in the same budget yearor the next budget year after the budget year when such materials orcurrent operating funds were so used even though so doing would result ingreater expenditures for such purposes than were included in the countybudget for the period when such expenditures are made.
History: L. 1959, ch. 270, § 1; March 27.