68-117a. Counties having a township of 10,000 or over with no city or town; petition for laying out, viewing or altering roads; bond.
68-117a. Counties having a township of 10,000 or over with no city ortown; petition for laying out, viewing or altering roads; bond.In all counties in which there is a township with a population of tenthousand or more outside of the limits of any incorporated city or town,applications for laying out roads, or for viewing, reviewing, widening oraltering any road, shall be by petition to the board of countycommissioners signed by the owners of not less than fifty percent of theland abutting that part of the road sought to be laid out, viewed,reviewed, widened or altered; and one or more of the signers of anypetition presented as aforesaid shall enter into a bond with sufficientsureties payable to the state of Kansas for the use of the county, to beapproved by the board of county commissioners, conditioned that the personssigning such bonds shall pay into the treasury of the county the amount ofall costs and expenses accruing on said location, view, review, widening oralteration in case the proceedings had in pursuance of said petition shallnot be finally confirmed and established; and on neglect or refusal of thepersons so bound, after a liability shall have accrued, the county clerk ofthe county shall collect or cause to be collected such costs and expenses,and pay the same into the county treasury.
History: L. 1947, ch. 352, § 1; April 15.