68-102a. Same; notice.



      68-102a.   Same; notice.Before any road is laid out, altered or vacated without the presentationof a petition, the county clerk shall give notice of the proposed actionby publication once in the official county newspaper and by sending noticeby certified mail to each owner of property adjoining the road, at the addresswhere the owner's tax statement is sent. The notice shall set forth adescriptionof the roadproposed to be laid out, altered or vacated. Proceedings for the awardof damages, if any, tothe property owners affected by such action, and any appeal therefrom,shall bemade in the same manneras provided in K.S.A. 68-107, and amendments thereto. Any person orpersons may make writtenapplication to the county commissioners for payment for damage to propertycaused by such action. The county commissionersshall not award damages unless there hasbeen filed with the county clerk, within12 months after theentering of the order laying out, altering or vacatingsuch road, a written application giving adescription of the premises for which damages or compensation areclaimed. The county commissioners shall determine the amount of damagesustained, if any, by such claimant. All applications for damagesshall be forever barred unless they are presented as provided bythis act.

      History:   L. 1931, ch. 243, § 2; L. 1981, ch. 173, § 67;L. 1999, ch. 146, § 2; July 1.