66-1302. Rules and regulations of superintendent of the highway patrol; appeals by aggrieved agencies; hearing and determination by governor.



      66-1302.   Rules and regulations of superintendent of the highwaypatrol; appeals by aggrievedagencies; hearing and determination by governor.The superintendent of the Kansas highwaypatrol may adopt rules and regulations to secureproper and efficient enforcement of the laws of the state in relation tomotor carriers of passengers and property for hire, not inconsistent withor in derogation of the powers, duties, and responsibilities placed byexisting statutes upon the corporation commission. It is declared necessaryfor the corporation commission, the department oftransportation, the department of revenue, and the Kansas highwaypatrol to cooperateand to coordinate their actions and effort for the proper and efficientenforcement of laws relating to motor carriers of passengers and propertyfor compensation.

      If the corporation commission, department of transportation or departmentof revenue shall feelaggrieved by any order, rule,or regulation adopted by the superintendent ofthe Kansas highway patroland shall desire toresist the same, it shall serve, within 30 daysafter its adoption,written notice upon the superintendent thatit appeals fromthe order, rule or regulation to the governor, and the superintendentshall forthwith certify to the governor the order, rule or regulation soappealed from, and the governor shall fix a time and place for a hearingthereon. The superintendent shall cause allinterested parties to benotified of such time and place of such hearing, and at the hearing, allpersons interested shall be given opportunity to be fully heard, and thegovernor shall thereupon decide the appeal, and the decision of the governorshall be final, conclusive and binding.

      History:   L. 1933, ch. 89, § 2 (Special Session); L. 1972, ch. 342,§ 62; L. 1977, ch. 304, § 22;L. 1988, ch. 266, § 6; July 1.