66-1,109. Regulation of motor carriers; exemptions of certain carriers, certain transporters and certain uses from act.
66-1,109. Regulation of motor carriers; exemptionsof certain carriers,certain transporters and certain uses from act.This act shall not require the following carriers to obtaina certificate, license or permit from the commission or file rates,tariffs, annual reports or provide proofof insurance with the commission:
(a) Transportation by motor carriers wholly within the corporatelimits of a city or village in this state, or between contiguous citiesor villages in this state or in this and another state, or between anycity or village in this or another state and the suburban territory inthis state within three miles of the corporate limits, orbetweencities and villages in this state and cities and villages in another statewhich are within territory designated as a commercial zone by therelevant federal authority,except that none of the exemptions specified in this subsection (a) shallapply to wrecker carriers;
(b) a private motor carrier whooperates within a radius of 25 miles beyondthe corporate limits of its city or village of domicile, or whooperates between cities and villages in this state and cities and villages inanother state which are within territory designated as a commercial zone bythe relevant federal authority;
(c) the owner of livestock or producer of farm products transportinglivestock of such owner or farm products of such producer to market in amotor vehicle of such owner or producer, or the motor vehicle of aneighbor on the basis of barter or exchange for service or employment,or to such owner or producer transporting supplies for the use of suchowner or producer in a motor vehicle of such owner or producer, or inthe motor vehicle of a neighbor on the basis of barter or exchange forservice or employment;
(d) (1) the transportation of children to and from school;(2)to motor vehicles owned by schools, colleges, and universities,religious or charitable organizations and institutions, or governmentalagencies, when used to convey students, inmates, employees, athleticteams, orchestras, bands or other similar activities; or (3) motor vehiclesowned by nonprofit organizations meeting the qualification requirements ofsection 501(c) of the internal revenue code of 1986, and amendments thereto,when transporting property or materials belonging to the owner of thevehicle;
(e) a new vehicle dealer as defined by K.S.A.8-2401, and amendments thereto, when transporting property to or from theplace of business of such dealer;
(f) motor vehicles carrying tools, property or materialbelonging to the owner of the vehicle and used in repair, building orconstruction work, not having been sold or being transported for thepurpose of sale;
(g) persons operating motor vehicles which have an advalorem tax situs in and are registered in the state of Kansas, and used onlyto transport grain from the producer to an elevator or other place forstorage or sale for a distance of not to exceed 50 miles;
(h) the operation of hearses, funeral coaches, funeral carsor ambulances by motor carriers;
(i) motor vehicles owned and operated by the United States,theDistrict of Columbia, any state, any municipality or any otherpolitical subdivision of this state, including vehicles used exclusivelyfor handling U.S. mail, and the operation of motor vehicles used exclusivelyby organizations operating public transportation systems pursuant to 49 U.S.C.sections 5307, 5310 and 5311;
(j) any motor vehicle with a normal seating capacity of notmore than the driver and 15 passengers while used for vanpooling or otherwisenot-for-profitin transporting persons who, as a joint undertaking, bear or agree tobear all the costs of such operations, or motor vehicles with a normalseating capacity of not more than the driver and15 passengers for not-for-profit transportation by one or more employers ofemployees to and from the factories, plants, offices, institutions,construction sites or other places of like nature wheresuch persons are employedor accustomed to work;
(k) motor vehicles used to transport water for domesticpurposes, as defined by subsection (c) of K.S.A. 82a-701, and amendmentsthereto, or livestock consumption;
(l) transportation of sand, gravel, slag stone, limestone,crushed stone, cinders, calcium chloride, bituminous or concretemixtures, blacktop, dirt or fill material to a construction site,highway maintenance or construction project or other storage facilityand the operation of ready-mix concrete trucks in transportation ofready-mix concrete;
(m) the operation of a vehicle used exclusively for thetransportation of solid waste, as the same is defined by K.S.A. 65-3402,and amendments thereto,to any solid waste processing facility or solid waste disposal area, asthe same is defined by K.S.A. 65-3402, and amendments thereto;
(n) the transporting of vehicles used solely in the customcombining business when being transported by persons engaged in such business;
(o) the operation of vehicles used for servicing, repairingor transporting of implements of husbandry, as defined in K.S.A.8-1427, and amendments thereto, by a person actively engaged in thebusiness of buying, sellingor exchanging implements of husbandry, if such operation is within 100miles of such person's established place of business in thisstate;
(p) transportation by taxi or bus companies operatedexclusively within any city or within 25 miles of the point of its domicilein a city;
(q) a vehicle being operated with a dealer license plateissued under K.S.A. 8-2406, and amendments thereto, and in compliance withK.S.A. 8-136, and amendments thereto, and vehicles beingoperated with a full-privilege license plate issued under K.S.A.8-2425, and amendments thereto;
(r) the operation of vehicles used for transportingmaterials used in the servicing or repairing of the refractory linings ofindustrial boilers;
(s) transportation of newspapers published at least onetime each week;
(t) transportation of animal dung to be used forfertilizer;
(u) the operation of ground water well drillingrigs;
(v) the transportation of cotton modules from the field to the gin; and
(w) the transportation of custom harvested silage, including, but not limitedto, corn, wheat andmilo.
History: L. 1931, ch. 236, § 2; L. 1933, ch. 229, § 2; L.1935, ch. 239, § 1; L. 1938, ch. 56, § 1; L. 1947, ch. 333, § 1; L.1951, ch. 367, § 1; L. 1959, ch. 258, § 2; L. 1971, ch. 218, § 1; L.1974, ch. 263, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 340, § 1; L. 1977, ch. 225, § 1; L.1977, ch. 304, § 20; L. 1978, ch. 267, § 1; L. 1980, ch. 202, §1; L. 1981, ch. 258, § 1; L. 1984, ch. 25, § 8;L. 1985, ch. 44, § 1; L. 1985, ch. 54, § 6; L. 1985, ch. 226, § 1;L. 1990, ch. 241, § 2;L. 1992, ch. 206, § 1;L. 1993, ch. 263, § 3;L. 1995, ch. 98, § 1;L. 1996, ch. 164, § 1;L. 2001, ch. 73, § 2;L. 2003, ch. 124, § 15;L. 2004, ch. 152, § 6;L. 2009, ch. 119, § 11; July 1.