66-131. Permit to transact business required; exceptions; limitations on commission's authority and jurisdiction.



      66-131.   Permit to transact business required; exceptions;limitations on commission's authority and jurisdiction.No common carrier or public utility, including that portion of anymunicipally owned utility defined as a public utility by K.S.A. 66-104,governed by the provisions of this act shall transactbusiness in the state of Kansas until it shall have obtained acertificate from the corporation commission that public convenience willbe promoted by the transaction of said business and permitting saidapplicants to transact the business of a common carrier or publicutility in this state. In no event shall such jurisdiction authorize thecorporation commission to review, consider or effect the facilities orrates charged for services or in any way the operation of suchmunicipally owned or operated electric or gas utility within thecorporate limits or outside but within three (3) miles of the corporatelimits of any city, or facilities, or rates charged for services or inany way the operation of facilities or their replacements now owned byany such utility except as provided in K.S.A. 66-131a. Noprescribed rates, orders or other regulatory supervision of thecorporation commission shall be contrary to any lawful provision of anyrevenue bond ordinance authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds tofinance all or any part of the municipally owned or operated electric orgas utility so subjected to the jurisdiction of the corporationcommission. This section shall not apply to any common carrier or publicutility governed by the provisions of this act now transacting businessin this state, nor shall this section apply to the facilities andoperations of any municipally owned or operated utility supplyingelectricity or gas outside of the corporate limits of any municipalitywhere such facilities and operations are in existence on the effectivedate of this act, but any extension of such facilities or any newfacilities located outside of and more than three (3) miles from themunicipality's corporate limits, shall be subject to the requirements ofthis section, nor shall this section apply to any municipally owned oroperated electric or gas utility furnishing electricity or gas to afacility owned or jointly owned by such municipality and located outsidethe corporate limits of such municipality.

      History:   L. 1911, ch. 238, § 31; R.S. 1923, 66-131; L. 1968, ch.333, § 7; L. 1978, ch. 263, § 3; March 23.