65-7313. Denial, revocation, suspension or limitation of or refusal to renew license; grounds; censure, reprimand or fine of licensee; administrative procedure; conduct prohibited during license suspe


Chapter 65.--PUBLIC HEALTH

      65-7313.   Denial, revocation, suspension orlimitation of or refusal to renew license; grounds; censure, reprimand or fineof licensee; administrative procedure; conduct prohibited during licensesuspension.(a) The license of a radiologic technologist may be limited,suspendedor revoked, or thelicensee may be censured, reprimanded, fined pursuant to K.S.A. 65-2863a, andamendmentsthereto, or otherwise sanctioned by the board or an application for licensuremay be denied if it isfound that the licensee or applicant:

      (1)   Is guilty of fraud or deceit in the procurement or holding of a license;

      (2)   has been convicted of a felony in a court of competent jurisdiction,either within or outside ofthis state, unless the conviction has been reversed and the holder of thelicense discharged oracquitted or if the holder has been pardoned with full restoration of civilrights in which case thelicense shall be restored;

      (3)   is addicted to or has distributed intoxicating liquors or drugs for otherthan lawful purposes;

      (4)   is found to be mentally or physically incapacitated to such a degree thatin the opinion of theboard continued practice by the licensee would constitute a danger to thepublic's health andsafety;

      (5)   has aided and abetted a person who is not a licensee under this act or isnot otherwiseauthorized to perform the duties of a license holder;

      (6)   has undertaken or engaged in any practice beyond the scope of dutiespermitted a licensee;

      (7)   has engaged in the practice of radiologic technology under a false orassumed name orimpersonated another licensee;

      (8)   has been found guilty of unprofessional conduct under criteria which theboard may establishby rules and regulations;

      (9)   has interpreted a diagnostic image to a patient; or

      (10)   is, or has been, found guilty of incompetence or negligence whileperforming as a licenseholder.

      (b)   The denial, refusal to renew, suspension, limitation or revocation of alicense or othersanction may be ordered by the board after notice and hearing on the matter inaccordance withthe provisions of the Kansas administrative procedure act and shall bereviewable in accordancewith the act for judicial review and civil enforcement of agency actions.

      (c)   A person whose license is suspended shall not engage in any conduct oractivity in violation of the order by which the license was suspended.

      (d)   This section shall take effect on and after July 1, 2005.

      History:   L. 2004, ch. 84, § 12; July 1.