65-7307. Expiration of licenses; renewal notification, procedure; fees; reinstatement of lapsed licenses; rules and regulations.
65-7307. Expiration of licenses; renewalnotification, procedure; fees; reinstatement of lapsed licenses; rules andregulations.(a) Licenses issued under this act shall expire on the date ofexpiration established byrules and regulations of the board unless renewed in the manner prescribed bythe board. Therequest for renewal shall be accompanied by the license renewal fee establishedpursuant toK.S.A. 2009 Supp.65-7308, and amendments thereto.
(b) At least 30 days before the expiration of a licensee's license, theboard shall notify thelicensee of the expiration by mail addressed to the licensee's last mailingaddress as noted uponthe office records. If the licensee fails to submit an application for renewalon a form provided bythe board, or fails to pay the renewal fee by the date of expiration, the boardshall give a secondnotice to the licensee that the license has expired and the license may berenewed only if theapplication for renewal, the renewal fee, and the late renewal fee are receivedby the board withinthe thirty-day period following the date of expiration and that, if both feesare not received withinthe thirty-day period, the license shall be deemed canceled by operation of lawand withoutfurther proceedings.
(c) The board may require any licensee, as a condition of renewal, to submitwith theapplication for renewal evidence of satisfactory completion of a program ofcontinuing educationrequired by rules and regulations of the board.
(d) Any license canceled for failure to renew may be reinstated uponrecommendation of theboard. An application for reinstatement shall be on a form provided by theboard, and shall beaccompanied by payment of the reinstatement fee and evidence of completion ofany applicablecontinuing education requirements. The board may adopt rules and regulationsestablishingappropriate education requirements for reinstatement of a license that has beencanceled forfailure to renew.
(e) This section shall take effect on and after July 1, 2005.
History: L. 2004, ch. 84, § 7; July 1.