65-7305. Application for licensure; requirements; temporary licensure; waiver of examination; application for reinstatement; fees.


Chapter 65.--PUBLIC HEALTH

      65-7305.   Application for licensure; requirements;temporary licensure; waiver of examination; application for reinstatement;fees.(a) An applicant for licensure as a radiologic technologistshallfilean application, onforms provided by the board, showing to the satisfaction of the board that theapplicant meets thefollowing requirements:

      (1)   At the time of the application is at least 18 years of age;

      (2)   has successfully completed a four-year course of study in a secondaryschool approved by thestate board of education, passed an approved equivalency test or graduated froma secondaryschool outside Kansas having comparable approval by the state board ofeducation;

      (3)   has satisfactorily completed a course of study in radiography, radiationtherapy ornuclear medicine technology which isapproved by the boardand which contains a curriculum no less stringent than the standards ofexisting organizationswhich approve radiologic technology programs;

      (4)   except as otherwise provided inthis act,hassuccessfully passed a licenseexamination approved by the board; and

      (5)   has paid all fees required for licensure prescribed in this act.

      (b)   The board may issue a temporary license to an applicant seeking licensureas a radiologictechnologist when such applicant meets the requirements for licensure or meetsall therequirements for licensure except examination and pays to the board thetemporary license fee asrequired underK.S.A. 2009 Supp.65-7313, and amendments thereto. Suchtemporary license shallexpire 180 daysfrom the date of issue or on the date that the board approves the applicationfor licensure,whichever occurs first. No more than one such temporary license shall bepermitted to any oneperson.

      (c)   The board may accept, in lieu of its own licensure examination, a currentcertificate by theAmerican registry of radiologic technologists, nuclear medicine technologistcertification boardor other recognized national voluntary credentialing bodies, which the boardfinds was issuedon the basis of an examination which meets standards at least as stringent asthose established bythe board.

      (d)   The board may waive the examination or education requirementsand grantlicensure to any applicant: (1) Who presents proof of current licensureasa radiologic technologist inanother state, the District of Columbia or territory of the United States whichrequires standardsfor licensure determined by the board to be equivalent to the requirementsunder this act; and (2) who has, at the time of application, a current validcertificate by the American registry of radiologic technologists, nuclearmedicine technology certification board or other recognized national voluntarycredentialing bodies, which the board finds was issued on the basis of anexamination which meets standards at least as stringent as those established bythe board.

      (e)   A person whose license has been revoked may make written application tothe boardrequesting reinstatement of the license in a manner prescribed by the board,which applicationshall be accompanied by the fee provided for inK.S.A. 2009 Supp.65-7308, andamendmentsthereto.

      History:   L. 2004, ch. 84, § 5;L. 2007, ch. 129, § 1; July 1, 2008.