65-7005. Secretary; powers and duties; director; powers and duties.
65-7005. Secretary; powers and duties; director;powers and duties.(a) The secretary is authorized and directed to:
(1) Adopt such rules and regulations, standards and procedures as may benecessary tocarry out the purposes and provisions of this act;
(2) expend and authorize the expenditure of moneys from the chemical controlact fund;
(3) report to the legislature on further assistance needed to administer thechemicalcontrol program;
(4) administer the chemical control program pursuant to provisions of thisact;
(5) cooperate with appropriate federal, state, interstate and local units ofgovernment andwith appropriate private organizations in carrying out the duties under thisact;
(6) issue such orders necessary to implement the provisionsof this act,and enforce the same by all appropriate administrative and judicialproceedings;
(7) collect and disseminate information and conduct educational and trainingprogramsrelating to the chemical control program;
(8) accept, receive and administer grants or other funds or gifts from publicand privateentities, including the federal government, for the purpose of carrying out theprovisions of thisact;
(9) enter into contracts and agreements with the director of the Kansasbureau ofinvestigation, other government agencies or private entities as necessary tocarry out theprovisions of this act; and
(10) examine and copy records and other information.
(b) The secretary may request the attorney general to bring an action indistrict court toseize property contaminated with chemicals for purposes of disposal or toenforce any otherprovision of this act.
(c) The director is authorized to: (1) Provide investigative assistance tothe department of health andenvironment whenrequested by the secretary or the secretary's duly authorized agent;
(2) conduct civil actions necessary to seize chemicals orchemical-contaminatedmaterials from alleged illegal drug manufacturing sites or to gain access toillegal drugmanufacturing sites;
(3) serve as the single point of contact for screening alleged illegal drugmanufacturingsites to determine if clean up or evaluation by a local health officer or thesecretary is necessary;
(4) serve as the contact agency for conducting any clean up action necessaryat an alleged illegal drug manufacturing site where the removal of floors,walls, furniture or soil is notrequired and where the contamination of groundwater has not occurred; and
(5) enter into any agreements with the secretary necessary to carry out theprovisions ofthis act.
History: L. 1999, ch. 170, § 11; July 1.