65-6a47. Imported meat, poultry or dairy products; labeling; definitions.


Chapter 65.--PUBLIC HEALTH

      65-6a47.   Imported meat, poultry or dairy products; labeling;definitions.Every wholesaler or retailer who sells or offers for sale in the stateof Kansas through a meat market, store or otherwise, any meats, eithercanned, frozen or cured, or any poultry, eggs or butter, which are theproducts of any country foreign to the United States, shall clearlylabel such meat, poultry, eggs or butter as "imported," naming thecountry of its origin, which labeling shall be in lettering not lessthan 1/2 inch in height. As used in this act: (a) The word"retailer" shall mean a person regularly engaged in the business ofselling meat, canned, frozen or cured, or poultry, eggs or butter, atretail to the trade and public as such, and selling only to the user orconsumer and not for resale; (b) the word "meat" means the dressed fleshof cattle, swine, horses, sheep, rabbits or goats but shall not includefish or products of fish.

      History:   L. 1970, ch. 252, § 1; L. 1982, ch. 260, § 1; July 1.