65-6113. Establishment, operation and maintenance of emergency medical service; tax levies; protest petition, election; reimbursement of certain taxing districts by counties.


Chapter 65.--PUBLIC HEALTH

      65-6113.   Establishment, operation and maintenance of emergency medicalservice; tax levies; protest petition, election; reimbursement of certaintaxing districts by counties.(a) The governing body of any municipality may establish, operate andmaintain an emergency medical service or ambulance service as provided inthis act as a municipal function and may contract with any person, othermunicipality or board of a county hospital for the purpose of furnishingemergency medical services or ambulance services within or without theboundaries of the municipality upon such terms and conditions and for suchcompensation as may be agreed upon which shall be payable from the generalfund of such municipality or from a special fund for which a tax is leviedunder the provisions of this act.

      (b)   The governing body of the municipality may make an annual tax levyof not to exceed three mills upon all of the taxable tangible propertywithin such municipality for the establishment, operation and maintenanceof an emergency medical service or ambulance service under this act and topay a portion of the principal and interest on bonds issued under theauthority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendments thereto.

      (c)   No tax shall be levied under the provisions of subsection (b)until the governing body ofthe municipality adopts an ordinance or resolution authorizing the levy of suchtax. Such ordinance or resolution shall be published once each week for threeconsecutive weeks in the official newspaper of the municipality. If within 60days following the last publication of such ordinance or resolution, a petition inopposition to the levy of such tax, signed by a number of the qualifiedelectors of such municipality equal to not less than 5% of the electors ofsuch municipality who voted for the office of secretary of state at thelast general election, is filed with the countyelection officer of the county in which such municipality is located, thequestion of whether the levy shall be made shall be submitted to theelectors of the municipality at the next primary or general election withinsuch municipality, or if such primary or general election does not take placewithin 60 days after the date the petition was filed, the question may besubmitted at a special election called and held therefor. If no petition has beenfiled and the time prescribed for filing the petition expires prior toAugust 1 in any year, or if the petition was filed and a majorityof the electors voting on the question of levying the tax vote in favorthereof at an election held prior to August 1 in any year, the governingbody of the municipality may levy in that year and in each succeeding yearin the amount specified in the ordinance or resolution, but not exceedingthree mills. If no petition has been filed and the time prescribed forfiling the petition expires after September 30 in any year, or if thepetition was filed and a majority of the electors voting on the questionof levying the tax vote in favor thereof at an election held afterSeptember 30 in any year, the governing body of the municipality may levyin the next succeeding year and in each succeeding year thereafter theamount specified in the ordinance or resolution, but not exceeding three mills.

      (d)   In the case of a county, the board of county commissioners shall notprovide ambulance service under the provisions of this act in any part ofthe county which receives ambulance service, but the county shallreimburse any taxing district which on the effective date of this actprovides ambulance services to such district with its proportionate shareof the county general fund or special tax levy fund budgeted for ambulanceservices within the county. Such reimbursement shall be based on theamount that the assessed tangible taxable valuation of the taxing districtbears to the total taxable tangible valuation of the county, but in noevent shall such taxing district receive from the county more than thedistrict's cost of furnishing such ambulance services. Any taxing districtestablishing ambulance service in any part of a county under theprovisions of this act on or after the effective date of this act shall notbe entitled to receive reimbursement pursuant to this subsection until afinal order of the emergency medical services board ordering suchreimbursement is issued following the furnishing of notice and anopportunity for a hearing to the interested parties. No order forreimbursement shall be issued unless the emergency medical service boardfinds that such establishment shall enhance or improve ambulance serviceprovided to the residents of such taxing district as determined inaccordance with criteria established by rules and regulations adopted by the board.

      History:   L. 1988, ch. 261, § 13;L. 1990, ch. 66, § 45; May 31.