65-5817. Disclosures to client at beginning of client-therapist relationship; documentation.
65-5817. Disclosures to client at beginning ofclient-therapist relationship; documentation.A licensee under the professional counselors licensure act,at the beginning of a client-therapist relationship, shall inform the client ofthe level of such licensee's training and the title or titles and license orlicenses of such licensee. As a part of such obligation, such licensee shalldisclose whether such licensee has a master's degree or a doctoral degree. Ifsuch licensee has a doctoral degree, such licensee shalldisclose whether or not such doctoral degree is a doctor of medicine degree orsome other doctoral degree. If such licensee does not have a medical doctor'sdegree, such licensee shall disclose that the licensee is not authorized topractice medicine and surgery and is not authorized to prescribe drugs. As apart of such disclosure, such licensee shall advise the client that certainmental disorders can have medical or biological origins, and that the clientshould consult with a physician. Documentation of such disclosures to a clientshall be made in the client's record.
History: L. 1999, ch. 117, § 4; July 1, 2000.