65-5704. Duties of secretary of health and environment; rules and regulations; fees.
65-5704. Duties of secretary of health and environment; rules and regulations; fees.The secretary of health and environment shall: (a) Providesupport for the oversight and administrative activities of the commission;(b) receive, process and manage hazardous chemical information required tobe submitted and notifications required to be given pursuant to the federalact; (c) establish a list of Kansas reportable chemicals which shall also besubject to the requirements of sections 311 and 312 of the federal act; (d)designate threshold planning quantities and reportable quantities for anychemical designated for listing as reportable in Kansas. For purposes ofreporting in Kansas, the secretary may establish more stringent reportingthresholds for those chemicals required to be reported under the federal act.Chemicals shall be designated and reporting thresholds established after publicnotice and hearing, based upon concern for the hazards such chemicals mayrepresent in Kansas; and (e) adopt such rules and regulations asnecessary to implement the provisions of the federal act and thesecretary's duties under this section, including provisions for protectionof trade secrets and for public disclosure of information consistent withsections 322, 323 and 324 of the federal act. Such rules and regulationsmay establish fees to cover all or part of the total cost of operation of theprogram.
History: L. 1987, ch. 231, § 4; L. 1991, ch. 202, § 2; July 1.