65-5112. Act not applicable to certain individuals or organizations.
65-5112. Act not applicable to certain individualsor organizations.The provisions of this act shall not apply to:
(a) Individuals who personally provide one or more home healthservices if such persons are not under the direct control and doing workfor and employed by a home health agency;
(b) individualsperforming attendant care services directed by or on behalf of anindividual in need of in-home care as the terms "attendant care services"and "individual in need of in-home care" are defined under K.S.A. 65-6201,and amendments thereto, ifthe individuals performing such services are not under the direct controland doing work for and employed by a home health agency; or
(c) any person or organization conducting a home health agency by andfor the adherents of any recognized church or religious denomination orsect for the purpose of providing services for the care or treatment of thesick or infirm who depend upon prayer or spiritual means for healing in thepractice of the religion of such church, religious denomination or sect;
(d) a hospice which is certified to participate in the medicare programunder 42 code of federal regulations, chapter IV, section 418.1 et seq.,andamendments thereto, and whichprovides services only to hospice patients; or
(e) a program for all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE) which iscertified to participate in the medicare or medicaid program under 42 code offederal regulations, chapter IV, subchapter E, section 460.2 et seq., andamendments thereto, and which provides services only to PACE participants.
History: L. 1984, ch. 335, § 12;L. 1989, ch. 191, § 4;L. 1994, ch. 6, § 4;L. 2009, ch. 140, § 1; July 1.