65-28,100. Temporary license for visiting professor; designation; qualifications; application; rights conferred; validity of license; section supplemental.
65-28,100. Temporary license for visiting professor; designation;qualifications; application; rights conferred; validity of license; sectionsupplemental.(a) There is hereby created a designation of visiting professor temporarylicense which may be issued by the board to a person who holds a degreefrom an accredited school of medicine or an accredited school of osteopathy;is licensed to practice medicine and surgery in another state, territory,the District of Columbia or another country; and is employed by theuniversity of Kansas school of medicine or by a licensed medical carefacility which is engaged in the education of medical students, nurses,physicians' assistants or other paramedical personnel, is offering anapproved postgraduate program or is engaged in the continuing education ofits medical personnel. The chief administrative officer of the universityof Kansas school of medicine or of the licensed medical care facility shallapply to the board on behalf of the visiting professor a visiting professortemporary license. The application for a visiting professor temporarylicense shall be submitted by the chief administrative officer upon formsapproved by the board. Such application shall state that the visitingprofessor is licensed to practice medicine and surgery in another state,territory, the District of Columbia or another country, that the professoris known to be professionally qualified and that no fee will be charged forservices of the visiting professor. The visiting professor temporarylicense shall confer upon the holder the right and privilege to practicemedicine and surgery and shall obligate the holder to comply with allrequirements of such license. The visiting professor temporary licenseshall be valid only during the period in which the holder is employed bythe university of Kansas school of medicine or by a licensed medical carefacility described above, and such license shall be valid only for thepractice of medicine and surgery which is required to perform the professorship.
(b) This section shall be a part of and supplemental to the Kansas healing arts act.
History: L. 1976, ch. 273, § 39; L. 1987, ch. 240, § 14; Jan. 1, 1988.