65-211. Establishment of mental health clinics and joint boards of mental health in certain counties; charges; parolees; disposition of moneys; contract for services with nonprofit corporation, when;
65-211. Establishment of mental health clinics and joint boards ofmental health in certain counties; charges; parolees; disposition ofmoneys; contract for services with nonprofit corporation, when; report.(a) In all counties wherein there is established a joint board of healthpursuant to K.S.A. 65-205, and amendments thereto, the governing bodiesof the municipalities involved may by resolution adopted by each of thegoverning bodies, provide for the establishment of a mental health clinicfor the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. If established, themental health clinic shall be operated by and be subject to thejurisdiction of such joint board of health to the same extent as otherpublic health services provided thereby. The joint board of health shallappoint a mental health advisory board of not less than seven members.Members of the mental health advisory board shall include consumers ofmental health services or representatives of mental health consumer groupsand shall include family members of mentally ill persons. The joint boardof health shall establish a schedule of charges for services andmedications to persons using the mental health clinic, but no person shallbe denied the services and medications of the clinic because of inabilityto pay for the same. The mental health clinic also shall provide facilitiesfor patients paroled thereto by lawfully constituted authority. All moneysreceived for services and medications rendered hereunder shall be appliedon and used to finance the budget of the joint board of health. If thegoverning bodies of the municipalities involved hereunder determine byresolution adopted by each of the governing bodies that it is morepracticable to contract for such mental health services and medicationswith a nonprofit corporation, then and in that event the joint board ofhealth shall contract with a nonprofit corporation to provide mental healthservices hereunder. The governing body of any such nonprofit corporationshall include consumers of mental health services or representatives ofmental health consumer groups and shall include family members of mentallyill persons. The nonprofit corporation shall not deny service or medicationto anyone because of inability to pay for the same, but the nonprofitcorporation may establish a schedule of charges for those who arefinancially able to pay for such services or medication. The nonprofitcorporation annually shall provide the joint board of health with acomplete financial report showing the amount of fees collected, the amountof tax money received under the contract, and any other income. The reportalso shall show any other disbursements, including salaries paid to eachperson employed by the nonprofit corporation.
(b) In lieu of contracting with a nonprofit corporation to providemental health services, the governing bodies of municipalities which haveestablished a joint board of health pursuant to K.S.A. 65-205, andamendments thereto, may establish a joint board of mental health for thepurpose of authorizing such board to contract for and on behalf of thegoverning bodies of the municipalities with a nonprofit corporation toprovide mental health services. The governing body of any such nonprofitcorporation shall include consumers of mental health services orrepresentatives of mental health consumer groups and shall include familymembers of mentally ill persons. Members of the joint board of mentalhealth shall be appointed in the same manner as members are appointed tothe joint board of health. Any joint board of mental health which isauthorized to contract with a nonprofit corporation under this subsectionis hereby authorized to pay the amount agreed upon in such contract with anonprofit corporation from the proceeds of the tax levied pursuant toK.S.A. 65-212, and amendments thereto, for mental health services.
History: L. 1955, ch. 285, § 1; L. 1957, ch. 335, § 1; L. 1961,ch. 283, § 1; L. 1965, ch. 371, § 1; L. 1985, ch. 207, § 1; L.1990, ch. 92, § 31; Jan. 1, 1991.