65-1922. Same; warning signs; posting; dimensions.
65-1922. Same; warning signs; posting; dimensions.(a) A tanning facility shall post a warning sign in a conspicuouslocation where it is readily visible by persons entering the establishment. The sign shall have dimensions of no less than eight inches by 10 inches andshall contain the following wording:
Repeated exposure to ultraviolet radiation may cause skin damagecharacterized by wrinkling, dryness, fragility and skin cancer. Failure to use protective eyewear may result in severe burns or permanentinjury to the eyes. Medications or cosmetics may increase your sensitivity to ultravioletradiation. Consult a physician before using a tanning device if you are usingmedications, have a history of skin problems or believe you are especiallysensitive to sunlight. Pregnant women or women taking oral contraceptives whouse this product may develop discolored skin. (b) A tanning facility shall post a warning sign, one for each tanningdevice, in a conspicuous location that is readily visible to a person about touse the device. The sign shall have dimensions of not less than eight inchesby 10 inches and shall contain the following language: 1. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for use of this device. 2. Avoid too frequent or lengthy exposure. As with natural sunlight,exposure can cause serious eye and skin injuries and allergic reactions. Repeated exposure may cause skin cancer. 3. Wear protective eyewear. Failure to use protective eyewear may result insevere burns or permanent damage to the eyes. 4. Do not sunbathe before or after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. 5. Medications or cosmetics may increase your sensitivity to ultravioletradiation. Consult a physician before using a sunlamp if you are usingmedication, have a history of skin problems or believe you are especiallysensitive to sunlight. Pregnant women or women using oral contraceptives whouse this product may develop discolored skin. History: L. 1992, ch. 170, § 3; July 1.