65-1723. Powers of state board of mortuary arts; fees and expenses.
65-1723. Powers of state board of mortuary arts;fees and expenses.The state board of mortuary arts shall have the power toadopt and enforceall necessary rules and regulations not inconsistent with this act forexamining and licensing funeral directors and assistant funeraldirectors, issuing licenses by reciprocity, establishing ethicalstandards and practices and regulating the general practice of funeraldirecting and cremation. The board shall have the power to inspectfuneralestablishments, branch establishments and crematories,and to require thatfuneral establishments, branch establishments andcrematories, bemaintained, operated and kept in aclean and sanitary condition in accordance with the provisions of thisact, rules and regulations of the board and anyapplicable rules and regulations of the secretary of health andenvironment. If a person applies for alicense forthe purpose of opening a new funeral establishment or branch establishment forthe purpose ofoperating a funeral establishment, branch establishment orcrematory whichhas not been heretoforeinspected and approved by the board, or if a licensed funeral director orcrematory operator in charge makes structural alterations or additions toan existingfuneralestablishment, branch establishment or crematory,the board shall have the right towithhold the issuance or renewal of any licenseuntil any such funeral establishment, branch establishmentor crematory has been inspected and approved by the board or itsrepresentatives.All references herein to "board" shall refer to the state board of mortuaryarts of the state of Kansas unless otherwise clearly indicated. Theboard is hereby authorized and empowered to do all things necessaryand proper in the administration of all the provisions of this act.Members of the state board of mortuary arts shall beallowed the same feesand expenses as are allowed for administering the embalmers' license law.
History: L. 1935, ch. 234, § 11; L. 1941, ch. 297, § 23;L.1975, ch. 462, § 92; L. 1979, ch. 188, § 10;L. 1985, ch. 215, § 14;L. 1986, ch. 238, § 2;L. 2001, ch. 183, § 10; Jan. 1, 2002.