65-1441. Sale, offer to sell, procurement or alteration of diploma or license; misdemeanor; fraud or cheating.


Chapter 65.--PUBLIC HEALTH

      65-1441.   Sale, offer to sell, procurement oralteration of diploma orlicense; misdemeanor; fraud or cheating.Whoever sells or offers to sell a diploma conferring a dental degree, ora license granted pursuant to thisact, or procures such diploma or licensewith intent that it beused asevidence of the right to practice dentistry or dental hygiene, as definedby law, by a person other than the one upon whom it was conferred, or towhom such license certificate or renewal certificate was granted, or withfraudulent intent alters such diploma or license certificate or renewalcertificate, or uses or attempts to use it when it is so altered, shall bedeemed guilty of a misdemeanor. The board may refuse to grant alicense to practice dentistry or dental hygiene to any person foundguilty ofmaking a false statement, or cheating or of fraud or deception eitherinapplying for a license or in taking any of theexaminationsprovided for under the dental practices act.

      History:   L. 1943, ch. 221, § 25;L. 2000, ch. 169, § 10; July 1.