65-1438. Using services of unlicensed person; written prescription; misdemeanors; suspension or revocation of license.
65-1438. Using services of unlicensed person; written prescription;misdemeanors; suspension or revocation of license.(A) Any dentist who shall use the services of any person (which wordwhen used in this section shall include all legal entities) not licensed topractice dentistry in this state, to construct, alter, repair or duplicateany denture, plate, partial plate, bridge, splint, orthodonic or prostheticappliance, shall first furnish such unlicensed person with a writtenprescription, on forms prescribed by the board, which shall contain: (1)The name and address of such unlicensed person. (2) The patient's name ornumber. In event such number is used, the name of the patient shall bewritten upon the duplicate copy of such prescription retained by thedentist. (3) The date on which it was written. (4) A prescription[description] of the work to be done, with diagrams if necessary. (5) Aspecification of the type and quality of materials to be used. (6) Thesignature of the dentist, and the number of his Kansas license. Suchunlicensed person shall retain the original prescription and the dentistshall retain a duplicate copy thereof for inspection by the board, or itsagent, for two years.
(B) Any dentist who shall: (1) Use any such service of any such licensed[unlicensed] person without first having furnished him such prescription;or (2) fail to retain a duplicate copy thereof for two years; or (3) refuseto allow the board, or its agent, to inspect it during such time, shall beguilty of a misdemeanor, and the board may revoke or suspend his licensetherefor.
(C) Any such unlicensed person who shall: (1) Perform any such servicewithout first having obtained such prescription; or (2) fail to retain theoriginal thereof for two years; or (3) refuse to allow the board, or itsagent, to inspect it during such time shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
History: L. 1943, ch. 221, § 22; June 28.